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Search results for "Grave"


Another year, another batch of great metal albums. While there are sure to be many more excellent releases announced throughout the rest of the...


"It's not often an album in this genre has such an easy replay value, and proves that atmospheric heavy music isn't relegated to double...

Black Metal Chronicles

Today, we celebrate Mayhem’s Per Yngve “Pelle” Ohlin, or “Dead,” on what would have been his 53rd birthday. Pelle was only 22 when he...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Aethereus, Deadscape, Ecryptus, Enterprise Earth, Lee McKinney, Party Cannon, Shadow Of Intent, and Underoath

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Metal Program Director Brian Turner delivers the week's top 5 office buzz-worthy tracks. ABHORIA – False Idols Comprised of ex-members of Ashen Horde, Catheter...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Seven Nines and Tens, Power Paladin, Nocturnal Graves, Carnation, and At The Movies

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off wishing Darren a happy birthday and hearing about his New Year celebration. We briefly discuss the upcoming riot anniversary and...

Best of 2021

Norwegian black metal, or “norsk svartmetall,” is the ultimate reason for existence. Every time a new black metal single drops from Norway, “suddenly life...


One of the biggest metal bands in the world, Megadeth have really done it all and seen it all – countless lineup changes, label...

Best of 2021

Another year, another year-end list. Though the world is still falling apart, America is once again re-learning the folly of its corrupt, dumbass two-party...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Next week we'll finish out 2021 here with the usual year in review feature listing a top 15 albums list along with other content....

Best of 2021

Here we are, a few weeks away from 2022, while I'm still grappling with all the shit that went down in 2020. Life is...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Dessiderium, Malignant Altar, Pyrexia, Reveal, There's A Light, and We Are The Catalyst.

Scene Report

Talking about Gorevent, Butcher ABC, Gotsu Totsu Kotsu, Anatomia, and more.

Back in the Day

In the space of twelve years starting in 1971, Thin Lizzy put out fourteen albums, including two live recordings. After embarking on his solo...


Thanksgiving is the perfect time to start a gratitude journal in order to express your appreciation for all the bands that are currently working...


Define prolific? Fenriz. Define magnetic? Fenriz. Define genius? Gylve Fenris Nagell, who was born Leif Gylve Nagell, is the answer to everything. Fenriz first let...


Would a teenage Adam Nergal Darski believe that, some three decades removed from the inception of his game-changing extreme metal band Behemoth, he'd be releasing...


The holidays are right around the corner. Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza shopping for metal heads may not be easy, so we here at Metal...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Aephanemer, Ross Jennings, Khemmis, The Lurking Fear, Me And That Man, Pathology, and Swallow The Sun.


Decibel Magazine are ahead of the game again. Having tight publishing deadlines, they already have come up with their top albums of the year...