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> German metal/hardcore band THE DESTINY PROGRAM (name changed from Destiny) will have their upcoming album “Subversive Blueprint” released on a 12″ vinyl through...

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> Is it rumored that a U.S. tour early in the year is being plotted with LAMB OF GOD and KILLSWITCH ENGAGE. > BOTCH...


There’s something that can be great about bands that have very few members. The route to what the artist’s interpretation can be easily portrayed....


> Doom band ZOROASTER have completed working on their next full-length album, “Dog Magic”. The album is due out September 11th through Terminal Doom/Battle...


What a fitting band name. Not because Droid is one of those super-technical bands that play like they’re inhuman, but the double bass drums...


Due to the large amount of bands that have been posted here that have a lesser degree of popularity, rather than having an A/V...


> HIGH ON FIRE has provided MetalKult.com with video footage of th band making “Death Is This Communion”. The 3 part series has been...

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DIVINE HERESY (ex-FEAR FACTORY, ex-VITAL REMAINS) have gained bass player Joe Payne (ex-NILE, LUST OF DECAY, DOMINATION THROUGH IMPURITY). The band will release their...


RISING MOON has posted all the songs from their new promo CD at their MySpace page. EMBRYONIC DEVOURMENT have finished recording their new album,...


The contents are exactly as advertised: Metal God Essentials Vol. 1.  This release collects the highlights of Rob Halford's solo career to date in...


Cleveland thrashers SKELETONWITCH have posted a brand new track, entitled "Upon Wings of Black" from the band's forthcoming full-length, 'Beyond The Permafrost,' on their...

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DODSFERD have completed a new album, titled “Cursing Your Will To Live”. A split album and 7″ are currently in the works. No release...

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THE AUTUMN OFFERING are currently in the stages of pre-production for their new full-length album with new vocalist Matt McChesney from HELL WITHIN. ZOROASTER...

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Let's face it – books on metal aren't challenging.  They may be well-researched and well-written, with rare photos and anecdotes.  But in the end,...

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ROTTEN SOUND are set to enter the studio later this month to record their new full-length album. The release date is currently set for...

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THE DILLINGER ESCAPPE PLAN will enter Omen Room Studios with producer Steve Evetts to record their latest full-length album. The effort is expected out...


Dreary as hell, but in a good way – Sweden's Mortuus drags the listener on a gentle descent into the abyss.  After an initial...

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Finnish metal band KALMAH are scheduled to enter the studio in October to record their 5th full-length album. KULT OF AZAZEL have stated that...

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AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED and APARTMENT 213 have teamed up for limited edition split release. The release, "Domestic Powerviolence", is set for a July 10th release...

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BIRDS OF PREY recently entered Sniper Studio in Moyock, NC to record their second full-length album, "Sulfur and Semen". The band teamed up with...


Perhaps Minus the Herd refers to the hordes of bands mining chaotic metalcore now.  Bands everywhere are mixing death metal, grindcore, math metal, and...


FULL BLOWN CHAOS has posted the song “Halos for Heroes” at their MySpace page. The song comes from their upcoming album, “Heavy Lies The...

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THROUGHT THE EYES OF THE DEAD will be filming a video for the song “Failure In The Flesh”. The video will be directed by...