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Metal Crimes

Varg claims innocence and places blame on a poser - seriously!

Weekly Injection

I alluded to today's monstrous releases last week, and the day i finally upon us. This week's edition of The Weekly Injection features some...

Weekly Injection

Here's that week I've been holing out for. Lots of good stuff this week. This edition includes some comedy metal, varying degrees of death...

Weekly Injection

This week's WEEKLY INJECTION includes the nail in the coffin of a black metal supergroup, everyone's favorite Greek git-fiddler, a great band named after...


Grindcore has a storied history, one which ties together otherwise disparate factions of punks and metalheads and has set the precedent for just how...

Weekly Injection

Welcome to a slow-ish, but very weird week of THE WEEKLY INJECTION. In this edition we have side-projects, amazing sludge and a band that...

Black Metal History

The one sub-genre of music most closely associated with hatred, chaos, misanthropy, individualism, and a lack of rules has come to be known as...

Best of 2013

It's been a crazy year for metal, but rather than the usual break-up drama, this year was filled with arrests, drug busts and some...

Upcoming Releases

2014 is shaping up to be a great year for metal releases, especially now that we know Polish death metal act Vader are going...


I ate sofa king much this weekend I think I'm detoxing with salad all this week. Oh, the gluttony. But Thanksgiving is not just...

Open Metacast

Welcome to the third Halloween Episode of Open Metalcast, where we unleash the strange, the wicked, and the bizarre to thrill, excite, and scare...

Latest News

It's no secret that the French authorities think that Varg Vikernes, the guy who founded Burzum and killed Mayhem guitarist Euronymous, is a loose...


If you're a big fan of Devin Townsend poop jokes and teasers of an album that we've all been absolutely dying to hear (that...

Latest News

Protest The Hero may have had the most successful crowdfunding in metal this year, but this might be the most absurd. Varg is asking...

Shocking Revelations

Varg Vikernes is an odd individual. After being arrested last week at his home in France on suspicions of planning a terrorist act and...

Latest News

It's hot in NYC, and I'm feeling the heat. If you need me, I'll be at the beach the next few days working on...

Latest News

We have just learned that Varg Vikernes and his wife, Marie Chachet have been released from a French prison. The Burzum mastermind, along with his wife, were arrested...


Burzum mastermind Varg Vikernes, along with his wife, was arrested on Monday on suspicion of planning terrorist acts in his rural French farm. The...

Shocking Revelations

Yesterday, we reported the shocking news that Burzum main man Varg Vikernes was arrested on suspicion planning a massacre. Varg has been in custody...

Around the Interwebs

Another day, another great Tumblr idea to add to our favorites, which include  metal cats, bargain bin blasphemy, meeting Fred Durst and of course the Juggalos of OKCupid. A...

Upcoming Releases

Do you guys remember that episode of Metalocalypse where the band gets summer colds and it completely fucks their shit up? I thought it...


Holy hell, you guys! The metal gods heard my complaining last week. I made the mistake of bitching about not enough notable releases, and...