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Latest News

"He’d probably want me to bust that thing out and beat the shit out of it. I can’t bring myself to."

Upcoming Releases

Okay, what is Slipknot up to? The band has a fall tour in the works and have been teasing in recent months the possibility...

Around the Interwebs

I want to send a big shout out to @heavymetalbaby on TikTok, becuase I needed a smile put on my face and you just...


Rob Zombie, Five Finger Death Punch, Rage Against the Machine, Greta Van Fleet, Halestorm and more!


Ten year old Filipino drummer Momo De Monster absolutely lives up to his name. Watch as he shreds through some Slipknot songs both new...


We have a huge appreciation for 10-year-old musician Nandi Bushell. Whether she's putting out her own music, covers, or having drum-offs with Dave Grohl,...

Injection Reflection

The Christmas season is upon us so new posts tend to slow down the next two weeks. But we'll still be bringing more Best...

Latest News

"The real learning was seeing, to me, the baddest band in the land, the real tenacious E Street Band."

Tour Dates

Will touring be back by next summer? Slipknot is betting so. They have announced their 2021 summer touring lineup, and they're hitting a bunch...

Upcoming Releases

"The short answer is that, yeah, I can't talk about it."

Metal Merch

Well, this is the first wave of them.

Bummer Alert

Tickets will be honored for the new dates.

Bands and Booze

They're charging HOW MUCH for two bottles of alcohol??

Upcoming Releases

"I just know that we all kind of feel like there's unfinished business and we wanna finish that out before we do anything."

Tour Dates

Maybe there will be another Slipknot record by then?

Live Footage

Slipknot's Pulse of the Maggots festival was this weekend, and during the weekend's festivities, one of the performances were from the group Vended, a...

Upcoming Releases

They are putting together ideas for the next album while in quarantine.