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Search results for "slipknot"

Upcoming Releases

We had a hunch that Slipknot were in the studio right now, when posts on social media started surfacing in recent weeks suggesting as...

Celebrity Metalheads

Slipknot's stop at Flavortown got a bit spicy!

Attention, Stoners:

In partnership with Hollister Cannabis Co. and Heavy Grass

Mashups & Covers

What do you get when you put Corey Taylor's aggressive growls from Slipknot's "Sulfur" overtop the instrumental bits of Gnarls Barkley's 2006 hit "Crazy"?...

Live Footage

The show features a few songs from the then-unreleased Iowa album.

Metal Merch

Mover over Steve Urkel, there's a new cannabis connoisseur in town and it's Slipknot percussionist Clown. Today, M. Shaun Crahan, a.k.a. Clown has launched...

Latest News

"Anything I do is going to be in the shadow of that."

Injection Reflection

…and just like that, April is gone! Here's May. At least it's getting warmer? Here's what you missed this week: Did You Catch The...


Two pieces of evidence seem to point to the band being in the studio right now.

Latest News

In that way only Clown could say it.

Tour Dates

With yesterday's news of the Mudvayne reunion made official, today the first fest they are headlining have announced their full lineup. Inkcarceration Music &...

Upcoming Releases

When Slipknot hit the studio in 2008 to record All Hope Is Gone, percussionist Shawn Crahan, vocalist Corey Taylor, guitarist Jim Root, and DJ Sid Wilson also...

Metal Merch

The craze with NFTs or "non-fungible tokens" has blown my mind. Essentially, it's a digital trading card (or piece of art) that is backed...

Shocking Revelations

When you're in a band as big as Slipknot, sometimes management will make you do things you might not exactly have agreed to do...

Mashups & Covers

Watch as Slipknot drummer Jay Weinberg absolutely rips right on through Code Orange‘s "You And You Alone" from their latest album Underneath. “Inspired by...

Upcoming Releases

What the hell are Corey Taylor and the rest of Slipknot teasing? Taylor previously promised "massive Slipknot news" in the next month or so...

br00tal Comedy

Mick Thomson is easily the scariest member of Slipknot, and if you don't believe me, this video will prove my point. I would not...

New Music

I hadn't heard of Moonshine Bandits before, but they sound like they would fit in perfectly on a Hellyeah tour, and I don't mean...