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Latest News

Look, I barely know who Axel Rudy Pell is, except for the fact that dude really butchered Dio's classic, "Holy Diver." Luckily, my buddy...

Breakups & Shakeups

This is as shocking news as any to wake up to. Peter Dolving, frontman of seminal Swedish melodic death metal band The Haunted announced today...

Upcoming Releases

Greg has a new band called Deadlights. Shows soon. More info to follow. — The Red Chord (@TheRedChord) February 18, 2012 The Red Chord...

Latest News

Last week, Dave Mustaine said he would vote for Rick Santorum and in turn got a ton of publicity for it, only to retract...

Tour Dates

I don't know about you guys, but this year's Memorial Day Weekend (March 25-27) will rule for me. One reason: Rocklahoma. Organizers have announced...


I was very impressed with the first track Meshuggah released a week ago, and if you're an avid reader of the site, you pretty much...

Upcoming Releases

The metal world let out a collective "Woohoo" when it was announced that Jesse Leach was officially rejoining Killswitch Engage. Now that question of...

Mustaine Mania

We all love a great Dave Mustaine story, and this one is no different. Mustaine was recently asked by Music Radar about his opinions...

Tour Dates

Well well well, looks like we are sponsoring this year's iteration of the Pagan Fest, along with Guitar World Magazine and Full Metal Jackie,...


Charging up their batteries for an imminent European tour, Matthew Skarajew and Paul Mazziotta of diSEMBOWELMENT, er… d.USK, er… Inverloch take a brief respite...


Cliff Burton is a legend, there is no doubt about that, and fifty years ago today, on February 10th, 1962 he was brought into...

Black Metal History

The first wave of Black Metal is almost always associated with the Scandinavian peninsula, but there were so many things going on in the...

RIP a Livecast

We have made it to 150 episodes! On this landmark episode, we begin by talking about centaur porn. Rob then talks about his experience...

Upcoming Releases

We're pretty excited about this long-awaited collaboration between The Porcupine Tree's Steve Wilson and Opeth's Mikael Akerfedlt called Storm Corrosion. When we interviewed Wilson...


When he was eighteen years old, Jason Becker was on the trajectory to becoming one of the biggest guitar gods of the time. Then,...


I had mentioned to a friend that I’d be reviewing Lacuna Coil’s newest album Dark Adrenaline for my first piece here at Metal Injection...

Around the Interwebs

Here's something really cool. A new Twingine of some sort to aid in a metalhead's ravenous hunt for common or rare records was started...

70,000 Tons of Metal

In less than a week's time, I'll be aboard the most metal vessel to ever navigate the seas. I am so excited for the...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

Latest News

When you usher an innate passion for riffs with the demons invoked by years of heavy boozing and tripped out touring, self-destruction can become...

Quick Bits

Heavy metal fashions come and go, hell some things can be seen as major fashion faux pas; whatever be the case most can agree...

Latest News

Yet another one bites the dust. The first major metal-related death of this year, coming a few weeks just after the  tragic death of...

RIP a Livecast

Our first episode of the New Year was jam-packed with great content. We kicked it off talking about the break, and a caller from...