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New Music

The band features Meek Is Murder & White Widow Pact members.


The festival will be transformed into a weekly series, streaming free original performances every month.


The only bastion of good, free, metal radio in the greater New York area, is WSOU 89.5 FM. The station is run out of...

Music Videos

Gargoyl ,the new band featuring Revocation vocalist and guitarist Dave Davidson and Luke Roberts of Ayahuasca are gearing up to release their first amazing...

Extreme of the Extreme

One of the most anticipated bands in the death metal underground, Spectrum of Delusion, are poised to release their most ambitious album to date...

Record Sales

Specifically "Crazy Train" and "Mr. Crowley".

Latest News

It's been interesting to keep track of the fall out from the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which occurred between August 7 and 16 and attracted...

New Music

Corey Taylor with a tinge of country


In lieu of an actual festival this year for obvious reasons.

It's Just Business

Worldwired Music IP Fund is reported to have resources between $300 and $500 million.

New Music

FFO: Mastodon, Torche, Red Fang, etc.

Music Videos

Sweden's Chronus have been churning out powerful rock anthems that have us singing along and stomping our feet since their debut in 2017, and...

Music Videos

Austin TX's Transit Method is about to drop an infectious new album on July 3rd via Brutal Panda Records, but today we're amped off...

Mashups & Covers

Specifically "Curl of the Burl" and "Sexyback."