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Search results for "'volbeat'"

Fuck Yes!

This is a big week for Slipknot – the band make their live return on Jimmy Kimmel Live this Friday and that means they...

Fuck Yes!

Hell yeah, Corey Taylor.

Shocking Revelations

Breaking news: Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor just revealed that he went under the knife today, May 10th, for double knee surgery. The extent of...

Metal In The Mainstream

Slipknot will make their return to broadcast television on Jimmy Kimmel Live next Friday, May 17th. This will be the band's first performance since...

Upcoming Releases

"...yeah, we are working very hard on the new stuff."

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include sludgy weirdos, the most metal indie band ever, and more! To the metals…


A cold-blooded response from Slipknot's representatives.


Fehn was treated as a "second-class citizen" according to his lawyer.

Latest News

Over the last few days, more info has started slowly coming to fruition since the shocking news last week that percussionist Chris Fehn was suing...

Breakups & Shakeups

Given the news last week that Chris Fehn is suing Slipknot over what he believes is unpaid earnings, it should come as no surprise...

Injection Reflection

We're almost at the ides of March. But don't beware. Instead, take a look at what you missed this week… Confirmed: SLIPKNOT Summer 2019...


Let the speculation begin!

Upcoming Releases

Back to the grind of new Slipknot.

Upcoming Releases

Welcome Alkaline Trio bassist Dan Andriano.

Injection Reflection

I'm glad this week is over, and it would be nice if winter was over as well. I guess I could just move to...

Upcoming Releases

It has begunnnnn!!!

Upcoming Releases

Slipknot's new album is among our most anticipated for 2019, and we know the band is working on it right now, and things are getting bloody....