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Well I guess "his," since it's just Hoest.


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

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Kataklysm also resigned to Nuclear Blast, their label since 1993.

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"That is just a band becoming a karaoke band. If you're not doing new music, why bother?"


Sitting down with Ivar Bjornson of Enslaved is always an honor. It feels like no matter what we do we end up forgetting to talk about...

Weekly Injection

This editions features several long-awaited returns, gore, politics, and more! To the metals...


One thing RAM has had a knack for and continues to sharpen is their ability to craft really hooky vocal lines and memorable melodies,...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....


With their 16th studio album, Canadian thrash pioneers Annihilator attempt to break new ground with For The Demented. But is it epic thrash or...


"Sometimes in your career, you have to look back to the past to go into the future." - Max Cavalera


In spite of the fact that Slipknot have previously released live DVDs that feature a lot more easter eggs than Day of the Gusano, from a performance...

Song Premiere

Jeff Waters and crew bring it hard 16 albums into Annihilator's career.


If the Big Four included inductees from deserving nations across the globe, then bet your last crinkled dollar that Canada's Annihilator would represent the...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....


Ne Obliviscaris' latest record doesn't quite boast the fiery, spirited edge that initially made the band one of metal's most exciting new acts. Urn...

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Oh what could have been.

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...

Full Album Stream

All Pigs Must Die remains ridiculously heavy on its third album.

Shocking Revelations

"I just put it on my head and I looked in the mirror. And I was like 'That's Buckethead.'"