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We're gonna need like, all of these as album art pieces.


"We had a bad experience during the last few years with Roadrunner and really just didn’t want to sign another record contract."

Latest News

"There is a slight change of direction, maybe, but At the Gates fans shouldn’t be worried, it is still an ATG record."


"I'm going with Lars's and Kirk's [Hammett, guitar] vision on this."


Gobble gobble, Throwback Thursday lovers! Welcome to TBT and Happy Thanksgiving. For those of you not in the know, this is the place where...

Metal Merch

Killer gift ideas from Metallica, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Amon Amarth and more.


Proprietors of sludgy acid kick to the senses metal Electric Wizard are back with Wizard Bloody Wizard, and by the sounds of things they're...


Average songwriting notwithstanding, Dawn Ray'd's debut is an unbelievably harrowing and emotional black metal journey unlike anything else released this year.

Music Videos

The first taste of new Tribulation, and it's gooooooood!


When your ace in the hole happens to be Dopethrone, an influential monolith of omnipresent scope canvassing the firmament of modern doom metal, it can...

Weekly Injection

This edition marks the last full week of album releases for 2017 with live albums from two metal titans, a split that is sure...


Hello friends, and welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent...


Most of you reading this are likely intimately familiar with the convoluted and sordid history surrounding Sepultura and both current and former members. No...


After the release of their Language album, I became very much engulfed in The Contortionist universe, attending as many of their shows that I...

Latest News

It was used on Neurosis' albums between 1992 and 2000.

Upcoming Releases

"I would say starting around New Year's with writing songs and stuff. That's the only thing I can say. And there will be a...

Tour Dates

Both bands should have new albums out by the tour.

Metal Injection Exclusives

Including the story behind the artwork for Heartwork!


We recently interviewed Rosetta guitarists Matthew Weed & Eric Jernigan about their new album, Utopioid, and the post-metal subgenre, which you can check out...

Injection Reflection

It's freezing in New York City already. One month ago, I was contemplating going to the beach. While I ponder climate change, here's what...

This Is Just A Tribute

His family blamed his lifelong struggle with addiction.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes bands ending length album gaps, stuff to thrash to, stuff to get high to (although, once would likely get high to...