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Tour Dates

Apparently Texas is the place to be when it comes to heavy music these days.  First you guys get the only Ozzfest date in...


While it was silly of me to assume that there would only be one worst video this year, the fine gents at MetalSucks have...


Oh, hey there! You may have noticed something different in the air today. No, we didn't get a haircut, we just fixed up a...


In a recent interview with Australian rock station Triple M, Kerry King was asked what the "strangest bit of loyalty" they ever received from...

RIP a Livecast

This edition sees Rob return to the show while 3D is out in Vegas and not in the studio. We begin the show with...


I was away from the computer for a few days and all this awesome new music pops up! So, if ever there was a...


We leave town for a few days and all this new shit pops up. Luckily, we've been keeping tabs for our faithful readers on...

Best of 2010

Well, the votes have been tallied (thanks to Cancerscare for that) and the results are in! Here are the top albums of the year...

Latest News

As prolific as Japanese drone merchants Boris have been on the audio front over the past decade-plus, it's remarkable that 2011 will see their...


Cryptopsy are legendary. Those early albums they put out are basically untouchable. As always, the drums always stuck out as drummer Flo Mounier is...


I have yet to see Lemmy, the documentary about one of the most metal motherfucker on the planet, Lemmy Kilmister but I can't wait...

RIP a Livecast

It just hit you didn't it? There is no Livecast this week! Rob and Noa are at the CMJ showcase we've been plugging all...

Latest News

By: Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann GENE SIMMONS is a douche. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, the KISS bassist recently stated during...


If you're like me, you are really sick of bands with over-designed MySpace pages. What originally started as a way to accent your profile,...

Free Swag

Cephalic Carnage are so pumped to be releasing Misled By Certainty (streamable here) tomorrow they are in the giving mood. Really giving! One lucky...

RIP a Livecast

This week, the RIP a Livecast was pretty epic. In the first hour, we got a phone call from a junkie stationed in Iraq,...

Mustaine Mania

Dave Mustaine is just all over the place promoting his autobiography Mustaine: A Heavy Metal Memoir (our review here / audio reading here) and...


Last month, we announced an absolutely killer giveaway – we were going to flyout one lucky fan to Ozzfest 2010 in Chicago. Well, the...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the RIP a Livecast, we welcome a friend of ours, Rich Hall of 1000KNIVES. We started off the show discussing...

Upcoming Releases

Our good friends in DAATH have released more information about their upcoming release. The album, their third official release, will be self-titled and released...

RIP a Livecast

After a one week hiatus, the RIP a Livecast returned this week with a bang. We began the show talking about Noa's trip to...

Mustaine Mania

Today is like Christmas! Why? Dave Mustaine's book came out yesterday. How have you not rushed to your bookstore to pick up a copy?...

RIP a Livecast

This edition features a ton of material. We start the show talking about Rob's recent roommate search, moving onto talk of lying about being...