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"Hopefully we haven't done our best. Hopefully our best is in the future somewhere."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from All Out War, Memoriam, Russkaja, and The Winery Dogs

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

The music behind the music of Gimme Metal, played through the halls from the desk of Director of Programming, Brian Turner Street Tombs –...

Music Videos

Yes, the band that played Sonic.


"All Out War's brand of blackened-core shows that there are many iterations of this style that can succeed as more than a novelty."

Tour Dates

Plus Truckfighters, 1000mods, White Hills, Lo-Pan, Duel, and more.

Music Videos

Featuring members of Light The Torch, Slaughter To Prevail, and more.


Tribunal isn't exactly surprising by doom metal standards, but their debut album is doom with a capital “D.”


This album gives death new meaning. It is ART in its PUREST form.


"The future is wide open for Valo. We're happy to see him return."

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"How do I begin to explain what this album did for me and to me?"

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"Every fucking click, every kick, every snare drum, every part of the record is exactly the same."

Underground Roundup

Featuring Hellripper, Misþyrming, Rotten Sound, Sonic Poison, Ulthar, and more!

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"I think things will adjust. I hope we can keep doing it."


Or during the "early creative sessions," as they've called it.

New Music

The Finnish grindcore act has returned to us all.