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Search results for "light"

Music Videos

The band's new album, Revival, is out today on Nuclear Blast and the band has released this music video/lyric video hybrid to celebrate.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some cool live stuff, long awaited returns, some grossness, and more! To the metals...


Also featuring members and ex-members of All Shall Perish, Bleeding Through, and Extinction A.D.


FFO: Isis, Rosetta, Deftones

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Six Brew Bantha’s Blight.

Music Videos

They put about 150 hours into the music video, and it looks awesome!

New Music

It's 1992 all over again, but with more black metal.

Bands and Booze

Portions of the beer's proceeds will go to charity!

Music Videos

It's got everything you expect out of a classic Judas Priest song and Rob Halford's voice is as powerful as ever.

br00tal Comedy

Looks like SlayerBob has some competition. For years, Bob has been producing pretty awesome Christmas light shows, but his place atop the Christmas lightshow...

Upcoming Releases

Well, there's the best melodeath album of 2018 right there.

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...