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LIGHT THE TORCH (Ex-KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, Etc.) Drops New Song "Calm Before The Storm"

Formerly Devil You Know.

Formerly Devil You Know.

Light The Torch (formerly Devil You Know) is Extinction A.D. drummer Mike Sciulara, x-Killswitch Engage frontman Howard Jones, ex-All Shall Perish guitarist Francesco Artusato, and ex-Bleeding Through bassist Ryan Wombacher. The band will release its sorta-debut album Revival on March 30 via Nuclear Blast Records, and you can check out the new song "Calm Before The Storm" below. Whatever their name might be, it seems safe to say that you know exactly what you're getting with the group – catchy jams with Jones' hooky choruses strewn about like it's no big deal.

That being said, you're probably going to want Revival in your life. So jam the new song below and get your pre-orders in so your mail on March 30 doesn't suck.

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