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Search results for "young"

Go See This Fucking Band

OK, get over your reservations about wasting your wallet for a ticket and go see AC/DC. Nothing from your CDs, DVDs or barroom shoutalongs...


I love death metal. Like, LOVE it. Without the glorious, blood-drenched cacophonies of Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Bolt Thrower, Obituary, and Deicide, my tender...

Revelations of Doom

It’s that time again! Grim Kim is back with yet another underground gem that, thanks to a high-profile spot on the almighty Watain’s first...


A few months back, we teamed up with our bros at Metal Sucks to bring you folks a epic contest that we called the...

Tour Dates

German thrash legends KREATOR will embark on a North American headlining tour in April/May in 2009 with fellow old-schoolers EXODUS, Austrian black/death metal horde...

Video Games

A few months ago we revealed the entire track listing for Rock Band and today Activision announced the full track listing for it's main...

Latest News

Holy crap! When I wrote in my review of Death Magnetic "Here's to hoping that some brash young audio engineer will take this album,...


Last night, the METAL Injection crew got together, smoked an took in the new album from Metallica, Death Magnetic. The first few tracks were...

Latest News

Headbangers Blog had the chance to speak with the King of Cool, Lemmy Kilmister of MOTORHEAD. Lemmy talked about the band's new album. Motorizer,...

Revelations of Doom

I'm sure those of you who actually bother to read the itty-bitty tags sprinkled across these pages are wondering,"Who the fuck is Grim Kim,...

Latest News

Setlists for the first stop of the Metal Masters Tour (featuring JUDAS PRIEST, HEAVEN AND HELL, MOTORHEAD and TESTAMENT) have made their way online,...

Video Games

It's safe to say that a sizeable percentage of the Guitar Hero audience are metal heads, and every metal head would dream of not...

Latest News

The story goes Josh Homme was playing a fest and was pretty sick, and then some kid threw a bottle at him. So he...

Free Swag

Check out the above exclusive clip from the new Vice documentary, Heavy Metal in Baghdad. The documentary follows the only metal band in the...

Clip of the Day

The above needs no explanation [unless you're too young, in which case.. GROW UP!!!]

Back in the Day

Several years before the NOLA all stars of southern metal, DOWN came out with their debut, Pepper Keenan was busy making a name for...


Every up-and-coming metal band should watch Born in the Basement.  The DVD, by original Overkill drummer Lee Kundrat (aka Rat Skates), is a metal...


> KINGDOM OF SORROW's new video for "Lead Into Demise" can be seen above. Rather crushing if you ask me. > Those fine young...

Back in the Day

 Back in 1994, Finland's Amorphis was the best new sound since distortion to this youngin. Even still I cant help but find my hand...

Back in the Day

Back in 1985, Germany's Accept was already well known amongst head bangers world wide. Their fifth studio release in 1983 "Balls To The Wall"...

Back in the Day

Back in 1990 Seattle based Sanctuary released their 2nd and final full length record, before Nirvana would soon become the biggest band to hail...


Two things jump out about Black Tide.  The first is their youth: they're all under 20, and singer/guitarist Gabriel Garcia is supposedly only 15. ...

Latest News

> An e-card for STRAPPING YOUNG LAD side project ZIMMERS HOLE has hit the intarwebs. Released in support of When You Were Shouting At...