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AMON AMARTH Viking Video Contest – And the winner is…

A few months back, we teamed up with our bros at Metal Sucks to bring you folks a epic contest that we called the AMON AMARTH Viking Video Contest. We asked you to submit a one minute video of epic proportions to set to any Amon tune. Many entered, but in the end only one could stand victorious, and that one is a young chap named Christian who submitted this awesome video

Christian will be walking away with the the ultimate Amon Amarth prize package featuring the band’s entire Metal Blade discography and recent DVD set (including their new record Twilight of the Thunder God, out now!)

Pissed that you totally spaced on submitting a video? Well, fear not! We are doing a new video contest. We are asking people to create a video for a brutal KRISIUN track. Click here for all the info.

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