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Record Sales

August wasn't the worst month ever, and was certainly better than July. This list, which continues to grow each month, saw an average increase...


"There's some serious bangers and exploration here."

Latest News

"My advice to young and upcoming musicians would be to have zero expectations."

It's Just Business

July was a rough month for hard rock and heavy metal on Spotify, with roughly 65% of this list seeing a drop in listeners...

New Music

This belongs on an Ne Obliviscaris or Daylight Dies record.

Music Videos

Between The Buried And Me has unveiled a new music video for their single "Fix The Error". Colors II is out August 20. Pre-orders are available here....

Record Sales

May was not the best month for rock and metal, but it wasn't the worst. Overall, listenership only grew by 0.58% vs. 5.25% the...

Record Sales

April was another great month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...

Record Sales

March was another snazzy month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...

Upcoming Releases

"It’s going to be our BEST ALBUM YET," they said.

Record Sales

January was a pretty decent month for hard rock and metal. Despite some larger losses, overall, listenership grew by 5.4%, the largest jump I've...


In 2011, we had a poll of our readers, an annual tradition, to vote on what you thought were the best metal albums of...

Record Sales

December was a slight improvement in Spotify listenership, with an average increase of 1.81% across this list. Some bands saw quite the bump, while...

Best of 2020

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, cats and dogs, and anyone else who is beautiful enough to click on this album of the...

Record Sales

November was not a great month for rock and metal, at least not on Spotify, with 2/3 of the bands on this list losing...

Record Sales

October wasn't the greatest month for rock and heavy metal. Despite some bands seeing large gains in their following, overall listenership only grew by...