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Record Sales

The list is growing! Earlier this year, we began tracking how many monthly listeners hard rock and heavy metal artists have been getting on...

Latest News

Today, Toontrack announced the Death Metal Guitars EZmix Pack, an expansion for EZmix 2 featuring 50 death metal-inspired guitar and bass tones. This marks the fifty-fifth title...

Record Sales

Earlier this year, we began tracking how many monthly listeners hard rock and heavy metal artists have been getting on Spotify. Where did we...


Brootal death metal made to alienate your Jesus-lovin' neighbor. Now with gravity beats!

Record Sales

We have begun tracking how many monthly listeners hard rock and heavy metal artists have been getting on Spotify. Where did we get this...

Record Sales

All rock and metal acts saw an increase in streams in the last 30 days.


Enjoy our coverage of Knotfest and Hellfest France 2019, and check out our gallery of 450+ shots, following the recap. Hellfest is a wonderful...


Portland's Ossuarium has a bright (er...dark?) future ahead of it, as shown by their fantastic debut album.

New Music

The hook is somewhat memorable. I found myself playing it back a second time. I…actually…like it?!

Injection Reflection

There was almost zero sunlight in New York City this week – which meant I listened to a lot of Opeth. Here's what you...

br00tal Comedy

The one thing about Devourment is that you could never understand what Ruben Rosas is saying. Thanks to Andy Rehfeldt, that is not a...

New Music

It's been 11 years, but Monstrosity is still killing it.