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Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include bedazzled shreddy guitars, 420 friendly fuzz, and more! To the metals…

Music Videos

Los Angeles-based extreme metal trio Athanasia — featuring former members of Five Finger Death Punch, Sebastian Bach and Murderdolls — will release its debut...


For Gambit, 2019 yields a new Crowhurst album, a new musical project, and an appearance at Roadburn... and that's just the beginning.

Best of 2018

TRVE Brewing Company sits on the edges of downtown Denver in the historic Baker Neighborhood. The brewery sits amid a string of vintage clothing...

Tour Dates

Featuring members of Iron Reagan and The Black Dahlia Murder.

Show Recap

System of a Down are back, playing their first set of shows in three years. Their current run of headline dates with At The...


It is a solid reflection of the growth and evolution of the group over the past few years.


Specifically Slipknot's Jay Weinberg and Havok's David Sanchez.


"I think creating the record brings a lot of these intricate personality complex into writing, to the surface."

Upcoming Releases

"Apoptosis is the scientific term for when cells systematically die to have new cells come in and replace them."


Both of these guys should probably stay off social media for a bit.


One of Tommy's assosiates probably should take away his social media. 


Talk about airing out your dirty laundry

Music Videos

Featuring former members of Old Wounds and Capsize.

Latest News

When Yuimetal was not present for Babymetal's tour kick off show in Kansas City earlier this week, fans were wondering why she was missing....

New Music

Considering the lineup, it makes sense that this is crazy.

Metal Crimes

It looks like the family is trying to get this entire ordeal behind them and try to move on.


Once again, Tommy Lee does not provide a convincing argument.


His response is basically "nu uh"

New Music

Check out a new lyric video for Krosis' "Apathos Vacant", featured on their upcoming album