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Australia's Parkway Drive continues to be one of the biggest metalcore bands in the scene in 2018. After making a huge splash with Deep Blue,...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some of the best doom I've heard in a while, crazy death metal, lots of noise, and more! To the metals...

New Music

Considering the lineup, it makes sense that this is crazy.

Music Videos

There's no use in hiding. The killdozer is coming.

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"We want to release a new album in 2019, so we need to get started soon."

New Music

They're also collectively 20 minutes long, but they're damn good.

Show Recap

This guest editorial was written by photographer Jose Pimienta I just finished recovering from the long but thrilling weekend of metal right here in...

Music Videos

Kataklysm's brand or trope is slow and heavy death metal riffage, and its out in full form on their new song,  "Narcissist."

Upcoming Releases

Well it's not the reunion some were hoping for, it's just a very very fancy box set. Guns N Roses are releasing a very...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes Star Wars metal, and some other shit you'll probably rather I focus on, but why? To the metals...

Underground Pitch

Canada has a long and rich history of metal. Well-known bands like Steppenwolf who began as the Sparrows in 1964, and Warpig founded in...


Bands like Aura Noir serve an important purpose in the world of extreme metal: keeping thrash weird. These sons of Hades may have carved...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes doooooooooooooooooooom (said in an Invader Zim voice), thrash, melodic radio rock (sorry?), and more! To the metals...

RIP a Livecast

We kick this week's episode talking about St. Anger. There is a lot of Metallica talk in general, as we play some mashups, talk...


Portnoy has nothing but love for Metallica.

New Music

Eight minutes, no survivors. Only the burnt remains of your headphones.

New Music

Right from the get-go this song is completely nuts.


This Tampere, Finland-based trio work the fine line between old-school death metal and mordant doom like the Wallenda family.


Spiraling and crazed death metal from Amarillo, The Abolishment Of Flesh's debut proves they aren't messing around.