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Tour Dates

There is no arguing this… the Black Dahlia Murder are one of the most fun bands to see live. And, some of you are...

Tour Dates

We just got a very important intergalactic press release from our overlords in GWAR: We are now a little less than two months away...

Tour Dates

Oh come on! This is a once in a lifetime kind of deal!

Tour Dates

There's a date where this and Summer Slaughter collide. Wow.

Tour Dates

Blind Guardian and Grave Digger are touring North America! Gather your Dungeons & Dragons group together and get tickets now!

Juggalo Times

Could you think of a more appropriate band?

Tour Dates

The 2015 Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival has revealed the full lineup and tour dates, which feature Slayer, King Diamond, Hellyeah, The Devil Wears...

Tour Dates

Darkest Hour has been around for 20 years. Let that sink in.

Latest News

Symphony X and Overkill announce a co-headlining tour together.

Tour Dates

If you're a fan of powerful vocals and really catchy melodies, here's a tour for you!

Tour Dates

I have to commend Marilyn Manson's and The Smashing Pumpkins' booking agents.

Tour Dates

With the rumors circulating that Metallica haven't made any profits since 2010, it helped explain why the band had no problems doing a lot...

Tour Dates

Start 'em off slow and bring forth the speed!

Tour Dates

This should draw a really interesting crowd.

Tour Dates

Serpens In Cvlmination Western Hemisphere MMXV Tour is a misleading title.

Tour Dates

Interesting choice of supporters, but still! Sounds good!

Tour Dates

Sworn Enemy will be hitting the majority of the United States come this April with Wretched, Dark Sermon and Hammer Fight in support of...

Tour Dates

Get your symphonic metal on this spring! Celebrate the season of life with death!

Tour Dates

Are you ready for some Slaaaaayer?