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Tour Dates

To say that 2016 was a good year for fans of technical death metal would be a gross understatement. The truth is, it was...

Tour Dates

Aside from the dates with Metallica and Avenged Sevenfold!

Tour Dates

More in June, this time for Idaho and California!

Tour Dates

Southern California, Danzig is coming for you!

Tour Dates

It's been a long time for Trap Them and California.

Tour Dates

This is not a drill: Slayer, Lamb of God and Behemoth will be touring together.

Tour Dates

The Pretty Reckless will be opening all dates.

Tour Dates

It's gonna get heavy all up in here.

Tour Dates

Metallica, Avengend Sevenfold, Volbeat and Gojira are coming to eff your summer up.

Tour Dates

Cryptopsy, Decrepit Birth, Rivers of Nihil, The Zenith Passage, The Kennedy Veil, Visceral Disgorge, Seeker, and Gloom, to be exact.

Tour Dates

It's finally happening!

Tour Dates

It's touring season in America. The sweet spot for tours is between winter and spring right before the European festival season starts up in...