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Tour Dates

I feel like there will be a lot of partying on this tour.

Tour Dates

Down will join Black Label Society in May.

Tour Dates

The band even signed a Cessation of Touring Agreement legally binding them to never tour again.

Tour Dates

Black Label Society is getting ready to release Catacombs Of The Black Vatican on April 8th, and a week later, Zakk and crew will...

Tour Dates

Tool took to their website Tuesday, Jan. 21, to announce the album we've been hearing so much about some tour dates for the first...

Tour Dates

This will be a tour of one-upsmanship when it comes to danger.

Tour Dates

Well, if it wasn't confirmed before, it sure as hell is confirmed now.

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Cruel Hand, Alpha & Omega, Naysayer, Bent Life, Malfunction, Barrier, Focused Minds, and Will to Die will be on the bill.

Tour Dates

This is going to be the biggest jam session yet!

Tour Dates

We've been talking about Animals as Leaders being in the studio for a little while now, and now it looks like they're announcing a...

Tour Dates

In celebration of their fifteenth birthday as a band, Chimaira announced back in November they'd be hitting the road at some point with Iwrestledabearonce,...

Tour Dates

The rapidly approaching 2014 year up to this point has been noticeably lacking Egyptian-themed death metal tours, which is never a good thing. Fortunately...

Tour Dates

Early yesterday morning, Manowar's official Facebook page announced some U.S. dates on their Kings Of Metal MMXIV World Tour. Initially, the band had stated that the tour...

Tour Dates

It's no secret Iced Earth are dropping their new record Plagues of Babylon in early 2014. Hell, you've even heard the title track from...

Tour Dates

This isn't just some extra dates tacked on to the end of their tour with Struc/tures, Northlane, Vildhjarta and Here Comes The Kraken. This is like an entire second...

Tour Dates

There had been a rumor floating around about this tour existing come November, and apparently it really does! What's even better is they're only...

Tour Dates

Godflesh weren't have too much luck getting into the United States for a tour this October, and the federal government shutdown may or may...

Tour Dates

By gawd, Gorguts is coming. The band may have written my favorite album of the year, I'm not sure yet, but Colored Sands is definitely...