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Tour Dates

A Perfect Circle promised tour dates would be on the horizon, and they are making good on that promise. Most of the dates are...

Tour Dates

Max Cavalera did promise more Roots dates and today he delivered. He and brother Iggor Cavalera announced a second leg of the Return to Roots tour,...

Tour Dates

Darkest Hour will release the album through Southern Lord, will tour in February 2017.

Tour Dates

There will be shred.

Tour Dates

'Bout to get bluegrassy with a pinch of hard rock in America.

Tour Dates

Brujeria, The Casualties, and Piñata Protest, to be specific.

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A billion riffs across a lot of different BPMs, across America!

Tour Dates

The black metal classic will be played in full!


It's like a really giant Chapman stick.

Tour Dates

Adamantium has reunited for the festival, as well!

Tour Dates

Eyehategod definitely have an all-star cast of friends and supporters. Last month, Eyehategod frontman Mike IX Williams noted that due to some serious health...

Tour Dates

Who ever thought this day would come?

Tour Dates

Metallica will play Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Colombia and more.

Tour Dates

It's a coast-to-coast tour! Literally!