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Clip of the Day

DAATH's newest album, The Concealers, has several good songs, impeccable musicianship and enough variety to consistently hold interest. It won't change your life, but...


The trailer to Majesty, the new DVD from The Black Dahlia Murder I love seeing how bands act offstage. It's one of the reasons...


Wednesday night, for the first time in my life, I shot a show where I was scared shit out of my pants while standing...


In most movies, Manhattan is made out to be a high-fashion metropolis with everyone in black pant suits on 5th Ave and super chic...


Every week Whenever they feel like it, the editors of The Apparatus webzine will present a new tech album that you should do yourself...


The last time NJ thrashers GOD FORBID checked in with a new album, it precisely the huge step forward that only a few bands...


I love death metal. Like, LOVE it. Without the glorious, blood-drenched cacophonies of Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Bolt Thrower, Obituary, and Deicide, my tender...


Last night, the METAL Injection crew got together, smoked an took in the new album from Metallica, Death Magnetic. The first few tracks were...


Pitchfork Media tends to be frowned upon by much of the metal community as the spawning ground of many of the hipster trends that...


Every week Whenever they feel like it, the editors of The Apparatus webzine will present a new tech album that you should do yourself...


Cary Gordon, a.k.a. Evil C, co-Host of Metal Injection Radio's MSRCast sent in this review… With the brand new Guitar Hero game out on...


Every up-and-coming metal band should watch Born in the Basement.  The DVD, by original Overkill drummer Lee Kundrat (aka Rat Skates), is a metal...


I'm conflicted about retro thrash.  As trends go, there's far worse, like metalcore, deathcore, and symphonic Hot Topic-core with token sex object keyboardists.  It...


There isn't much that we can say about this band that hasn't already been said. Having sold over 100 million albums worldwide without any...


Welcome back, Tomas Haake. It was quite impressive how natural (natural for extreme metal, anyway) the programmed drums sounded on 2005's Catch Thirtythree, but...


Ingredients for a Fortress cocktail: 1 part J.R.R. Tolkien 1 part Molson Canadian 2 parts marijuana 1 part Iron Maiden 1 part Dream Theater...


Vader are fond of exclamation points.  This EP, originally available during 2007's Death by Decibels tour, has songs titled "Lead Us!!!" and "Die!!!".  They...


Just a reminder for everyone reading these, the reviews I am posting are for the best in general, not in any particular order. In...


If you are a "deathcore" fan and you haven't heard of DESPISED ICON you have been living under a fucking rock. If there was...


A week late and a show short, but I come forth with a list of 2007's best albums. That is, in my humble opinion....


So much black metal wants to be taken seriously; Deathspell Omega actually deserves such scrutiny.  At first, this secretive French outfit seems pretentious.  Long...


Below is the inagural edition of Crustcake Presents. Every week, renowned music blogger Crustcake will present to you an album that will sync with...