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Black Metal History

By 1993, the Norwegian black metal scene was engaged in an all-out, lo-fi war with mainstream death metal and the society that condoned it....


I had mentioned to a friend that I’d be reviewing Lacuna Coil’s newest album Dark Adrenaline for my first piece here at Metal Injection...


Without a shred of shame, I will say that I have always enjoyed Abigail Williams. In my days as a Metal DJ up at...


Even as a staunch supporter of Richmond’s metal titans Lamb of God, their last album Wrath simply didn’t compare to their previous releases. The...


Mollusk grab my attention with an air of mysterious, volatile viscosity.   Majestic, reverberating riffs and subtle, superb drumming give Mollusk's debut the vibe...

Best of 2011

Not too long ago, I went over to Double-Down Saloon to celebrate Frank’s birthday with the rest of the crew from Metal Injection and...


Animals as Leaders have slowly been building momentum since the release of their self-titled debut album in 2009. Just two years later Tosin Abasi...


There's this movie: Werewolves on Wheels.  It came out in 1971 and combined one theme that was hugely popular at the time (bikers) with...


Rue might as well be a new band.  They have one other full length under their belt, but that was back in 2003… since...


"Filth flarrin' flarrin' filth!"  Eddie Murphy was channeling a repulsed Bill Cosby when he uttered those words on 1987's Raw, but he might as...


Axiomatic in all technical variants of heavy metal – whether it be prog, thrash, death or otherwise – is that it is as much...


Think of the new Megadeth album like this: take Endgame and add a large dose of Youthanasia and Countdown to Extinction, then mix it...


I’ve seen Carnifex live a couple of times, first at Summer Slaughter in 2010, and again this past spring at New England Metal and...


Upon graduating from At a Loss Recordings to Southern Lord for their third album, 2009's Chronomega, Bay Area sludge purveyors Black Cobra clearly felt...


With Fuck the Facts, there is no point of reference. The band's fierce creativity renders metal genre taxonomy useless. Beyond grindworthy vocals, their past...


On a cold February evening this year, I went to see Absu and Immortal play at the Gramercy Theater in NYC. Although I mainly...


Rwake have never been the type of band to look at a wheel and decide it needs reinventing.  This is not a knock… music...


Time off has been good to Primus.  Having seemingly fizzled out with 1999's artistically disastrous Antipop – stunt cast with such head-scratching guest appearances...


Crack the Skye left me with some rather bittersweet and curious feelings towards the future and direction of Mastodon, one of the genre’s most...


With Machine Head, I have to try my best to be fair. 2007’s The Blackening was an awesome record, but I’ve always had trouble...


When it comes to thrash, I’m a very easy sell. So long as the songs are well made, have solid vocals, and most importantly,...


Hardcore in its myriad forms is outside of my comfort zone.  It's funny, then, that I should be so comfortable with the music of...


I would be willing to bet that the early Norwegian black metal bands didn’t anticipate their style of music to actually last for a...