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Search results for "PROGRESSIVE"


"Revel in Time is a superb return from progressive metal’s greatest composer, as well as one of the finest genre albums you’ll hear this...


"Halo is the least exploratory and immediately gratifying LP of the aforementioned trilogy, but that doesn't mean it's unsuccessful."


"Overall, the album is fantastic and is highly recommended to fans of the band or fans of progressive death metal, or simply progressive metal...


"Erebos is a blood-boiling rampage of an album, with thoughtful scaffoldings to separate Venom Prison from the pack."


"Bands like Shadow Of Intent give us hope for the future. They are completely past the era of petty genre bickering and proudly wear...


Wilderun becomes more characteristic and commendable, carving out their own vital place within their stylistic landscape.


"Noktvrn is not your traditional black metal record, but fans of the genre will find so much in it to satisfy them."


"Adventurousness comes in the form of an expanded exploration of their melodic side, making it at once the band's 'least' death metal but most...


"Coherence is an outstanding melodic death metal album and is highly recommended to metal fans of all persuasions."


"Hushed and Grim is the most mature, demanding, and emotionally resonant journey of Mastodon's career."


"This album’s balance of technical brutality, haunting ritualism and inexplicable catchiness can’t be replicated.."


"In The Court Of The Dragon is well-written, well-executed, and a bold new step in the Trivium world."


"Caravans to the Outer Worlds is a great EP and well worth repeated listens."


"Ultimately, Classics succeeds because the quirks that makes it so hard to describe also make them a commanding presence in the genre."


As strange and psychedelic as you would expect for an Enslaved and Ulver side project.


The Work is by far the group’s most cohesive, ambitious, meditative, and varied effort, with greater uses of philosophical significance and transcendental respites.


"Carcass spew forth a career-defining record in Torn Arteries. It's one of their finest moments since Heartwork, and an easy contender for album of...


Music that we really connect with and always spin every year is a rare thing. Usually, you’ll grow tired of a release after a...


Hooded Menace heap conglomerate stacks of sound straight outta a pair of sock-stuffed spandex, drawing from the Sunset Strip as much as it does...


Perhaps more than any of its predecessors, Colors II seems like the culmination of everything that came before it, fluidly incorporating virtually all of...


"This debut LP lands in the rare territory of balancing havoc and slight restraint, resulting in a genuinely impactful release."


"Lantlôs may have little resemblance to its original form, but Siegenhort has yet to steer his band in the wrong direction."


The Impassable Horizon offers continuously impressive and captivating juxtapositions between Fractal Universe’s monstrous and mellow personas.