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Search results for "between"


Germany’s Pyogenesis is probably most renowned, or reviled, for the drastic transformation they’ve made over the course of their existence and subsequent rejuvenation. Specifically,...


What New Bermuda delivers is an overall more calamitous and harsher experience


Kylesa has long been a band of limited metamorphosis, which made their abrupt turn toward a sort of mitigated psychedelia on 2013's Ultraviolet eyebrow-raising,...


Of Feather and Bone have glorified their crust/grind/hardcore love in the past and make no effort to move beyond it here.

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Christian Mistress is a confounding egg of a band. A half-decade ago, they took a good chunk of the metal world by storm with...


The Book of Souls offers a textbook example of how a band's previous album can effectively set fan's expectations for the follow up before...


Fortunately for retro-rock aficionados, the guys in Kadavar not only have a firm grasp on the sounds of the 70s, but the song writing...


Scale the Summit is commonly referred to as an instrumental rock band, and falls into this category often. When experiencing them though, there is...


o dismiss this record because of the specious, irrelevant claims of the do-nothings who have detracted it is utter foolery. M is a triumph...


You could easily look at Pentagram and see a band whose true value lies not in their music but in their rich, well-documented mythology...


Boston's impossible to pigeon-hole InAeona have a new record that bobs and weaves expectations, hopes, and genres.


The long and short of it is that Monarchy is a much tighter album than The Conscious Seed of Light. Though not so dramatic...


It’s been happening slowly and stealthily over the course of the last decade or so. Insidious and incremental and bit-by-bit. It’s been so gradual...


To put it mildly, Deiphago at the best of times, sounds like Blasphemy jamming with Brutal Truth at the confluence of a wind tunnel,...


As a member of Rhapsody, Luca Turilli, along with keyboardist Alex Staropoli and vocalist Fabio Lione helped push power metal to heights of epicness...


With recent releases via Killer Be Killed & Cavalera Conspiracy, the consistent frontman Max Cavalera has undeniably proven to be prolific. Yet, with another...


Say what you will about the politics of the scene, albeit straight edge, hardline, vegan, focuses on politics or general violence, there have been...


St. Louis quartet Black Fast have the standard Revocation vibe down as to be expected, but they also bring a surprising dose of Death...


Are you ready to hear the sermons of Papa Emeritus III?


When you hear Fear Factory, you know it’s Fear Factory, when you hear subpar Fear Factory, you know it’s subpar Fear Factory. What might...


Hellbastard are a band that need little introduction concerning their importance within the genres they play. Though more notable for the coining of the...


To say that the three years between VII: Sturm Und Drang and 2012's Resolution have been traumatic for the members of Lamb of God would be a tragic understatement. With...


Cryptopsy forges onward, and thanks to drummer Flo Mournier, we here at Metal Injection got to have an exclusive listen to the band’s new...