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After two EPs Atlanta, GA's Dead in the Dirt has unleashed their first proper full length on Southern Lord Records. The band has already...


Pest have never been a progressive band. Throughout their career, Equamanthorn and Necro have never really strayed from the late 80's/early 90's black metal...


"The…story takes place in a remote village in northern Sweden in the late 1800's. The central character lives in Stockholm and comes from wealth,...


"Maturity" is a polarizing qualifier in the black metal community, straddling as it does notions of both artistic development and selling out, a hitch...


Friday night I had one of the coolest metal moments of my metal nerd life. Summer Slaughter kicked off in San Francisco and The Ocean put...


Djent bands tend to label themselves as progressive music without any real warrant to do so. The "D word" also evokes a very specific sound that...


When we posted the link for the Walk Through Exits Only album stream, you would think the response on Facebook was well…schizophrenic. It was...


The fine lads over at Fuck the Facts kindly – yet casually – dropped this seven song, 16 minute nugget on an unsuspecting public a little...


At the time of this Weekly Injection, I am in my usual metal dungeon, but this time I am surrounded by a small group...


Autopsy are elders of death metal – their 1989 debut Severed Survival being preceded by few others, and founding member Chris Reifert played drums on Scream Bloody...


The landscape of metal fifteen years ago looks completely different than what we hear being made today… people were still hoping Limp Bizkit was...


As the Norsemen crossed the North Sea, they dreamt of a time when they would conquer their entire realm in an effort to please...


Congratulations! If you are reading this, you survived this weekend's Supermoon invasion. It was a little touch-and-go, as we all know, and those we...


The adjective "eldritch" has been getting thrown around a lot lately in the metal community, particularly on Facebook and Twitter status updates, so much...


Are you about to go on an adventure and you are just plum out of ideas of how to score it? Well, Scale The...


Holy hell, you guys! The metal gods heard my complaining last week. I made the mistake of bitching about not enough notable releases, and...


Mouth of the Architect are sticking to their guns on Dawning with some seriously quality post-metal that presents itself naturally and without any bells...


For a variety of reasons, The Black Dahlia Murder was once a pariah to many self-styled "true metalheads", who tied them to the metalcore...


This week felt like both a slow week for albums and a huge week for albums. There were not that many new releases that...


With an artfully arranged title – Sunbather – splayed across a sunkissed gradient ranging from salmon to pink lemonade, you'd be forgiven for Deafheaven had jumped labels to...


Six years. I still can’t believe it has been six years since Era Vulgaris was released. In some ways, this wait didn’t seem that...


With Black Gives Way to Blue, Alice in Chains proved all the faux-elitists and skeptics completely wrong. They managed to avoid the anticlimactic self-parody...


As I write this, I am eagerly awaiting Netflix to flip that switch that will give me hours of more Arrested Development. Now mind you, I...