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I chose to review this album as a way to broaden my metal horizons. I'd obviously heard of Germany's legendary Grave Digger before, but...


One of the latest releases from the seemingly unstoppable Southern Lord Records machine is Enabler's new album, All Hail The Void. Enjoying previous short releases from...


It's a long journey from paying tribute to being tribute-worthy oneself. It's a common pitfall among many artists: hamstringing themselves with their own sense...


In 2012, just about every new metal band clearly wants to prove to listeners that they know how to shred, blast, and groove simultaneously....


With bass player Daniel Ekeroth having literally written the book (0n) Swedish Death Metal, you'd expect Usurpress to have their shit together, and that...


Manowar are famed for their loyal fanbase, record breaking live shows and slick leathered up baby oil warrior style. Fans have been awaiting another...


With the brand of clean, technical death metal that Nile helped to pioneer on the ascent these days, this South Carolina quartet could have...


Finally: a Fear Factory record that can be regarded without the context of high drama hanging over its release. Burton C. Bell and Dino...


The PR cycle for Psalms of the Dead comes front loaded with some unfortunate news: after five years of fronting Candlemass, singer Robert Lowe...


Shadows Fall has made its name as one of the most influential and popular metal bands of the last ten years. Despite this fact,...


I often associate death/doom with waiting, persevering for that perfect riff, enduring the dirge for that most heart-rending of melodies. My ears don't deal...


A couple years ago, I was surprised to hear of ZP Theart’s departure from Dragonforce. Apparently the separation was due to “insurmountable differences of...


Crossover thrash is a genre that can be traced back to Join The Army era Suicidal Tendencies and the very obviously titled Crossover by party...


Autolatry is a Progressive Black Metal band from eastern Connecticut. Readers who like to make the trek over to MetalSucks may have heard of...

Black Metal History

By 1993, the Norwegian black metal scene was engaged in an all-out, lo-fi war with mainstream death metal and the society that condoned it....


Look at that album cover.  Just look at it.  Unless you're at work, in which case close this browser tab immediately. I'm assuming the...


I love the “Sunlight Sound” as much as the next guy, but it’s been abused of late, invoked in hybrid procedures and put to...


You may or may not have been surprised when Seth Putnam passed away over the summer – hard living had already put him into...


Axiomatic in all technical variants of heavy metal – whether it be prog, thrash, death or otherwise – is that it is as much...


In the heart of every music fan there is a shrine of sound, a cache of albums that comprise our sonic comfort zone. Most...


With Fuck the Facts, there is no point of reference. The band's fierce creativity renders metal genre taxonomy useless. Beyond grindworthy vocals, their past...


With all due respect to New Orleans, the center of the sludge universe has in recent years shifted to Savannah, Georgia, that sleepy burg...


Crack the Skye left me with some rather bittersweet and curious feelings towards the future and direction of Mastodon, one of the genre’s most...