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Search results for "Was"


Tobias “Wintherr” Möckl has been releasing cold, raw, harsh black metal under the Paysage d'Hiver pseudonym since 1997, and bears the standard of Swiss...


Somewhere, someone writing or YouTubing (or however kid's today get their point across) a review of Cannibal Corpse’s 15th album is kicking it off...


Liquid Tension Experiment 3 is a remarkable return for one of progressive metal’s greatest instrumental troupes.


Metal finds its way back into the mix on the latest outing from these Russian masters of ambient and neofolk.


The term "progressive metalcore" is quite peculiar and borderline oxymoronic. Metalcore alludes to one of the most accessible metal subgenres. On the other hand,...


The Bitter Truth, Evanescence's first album of all new material in a decade, will hit the sweet spot for longtime fans.


Genghis Tron’s third album Dream Weapon comes after 11 years of uncertainty. 2008’s Board Up The House was a classic of its era, a...


As if the grey in my beard and pubes and the number of times per night my parasympathetic nervous system rouses me in order...


The legendary UK band Saxon pays homage to artists who influenced them on the covers album Inspirations.

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Suppressive Fire unleash the heavy artillery with Invasion,  a thrash metal-paced crash course through four theaters of World War II. The band tells us Invasion...


Other than a few hiccups, 'A History of Nomadic Behavior' furthers the storied legacy of swampy, cynical violence Eyehategod has built.


Empyrium dives back into metal and produces what may be the best album of their storied career.


The veteran Swedish progressive/power metal band Evergrey deliver another consistently good album with Escape of the Phoenix.


“We know that we are entering the final years of our career as musicians: the winter of our lifetime.”  – says frontman Fernando Ribiero....


Chemical Warfare is the exact kind of stagnant album dynamic you’ve come to expect from Escape The Fate. Escape The Fate is a band...


Swedish prog metallers Soen released their fifth album Imperial this month. Keeping up a stream of steady releases (Lotus in 2019 and Lykaia in...


Ruins does precisely what an album of its kind should do: honor the crucial elements of its templates amidst adding enough distinguishing features to...


I love the original Star Wars trilogy, like most people who are alive and not assholes. I was born too late to see any...


Despite what the lion’s share of Merzbow’s discography would hint at, Masami Akita is able to take a foot off the speaker-shredding gas and,...


A Whisp of the Atlantic is a testament to the benefits of quality of quantity, as it never outstays its welcome because it accomplishes...


Doomy death metal has a history and pedigree that spans from the rich and vibrant on one end to the so-boring-it-might-as-well-be-clinically-dead on the other....


Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou bring the best out of each other, with plenty of sonic staples for fans of both artists to chew...


Every once in awhile, you find an album that is simply a masterpiece. Maybe it is a unique debut that a band could never...