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I just got a bunch of stuff in from Ibex Moon Records, and I was so ecstatic to see that all the bands had...


There’s something that can be great about bands that have very few members. The route to what the artist’s interpretation can be easily portrayed....


I had the CARNAL FORGE album “Firedemon” at one point in time, and it was a decent, if very generic slab of modern thrash....


The saga of North American musicians worshiping Swedish melodic death metal continues. Actually, I thought people had gotten over that whole “the only good...


Hey! These guys named themselves after a Meshuggah album, so they must be on of those Meshuggah influenced bands! Oh, sorry, that was “ChaoSPHERE”....


Some words and sentences just get lost in translation. Did Toxic Bonkers perhaps want their name to represent the effects of going insane from...


When I was out grabbing information for Zatokrev, I had read a few places described them as a doom/death version of Neurosis. The double...


What a fitting band name. Not because Droid is one of those super-technical bands that play like they’re inhuman, but the double bass drums...


I consider death metal to be a perfectly viable form of art, meaning that unlike some other places, I don’t grade death metal on...


Judging from crowd reactions, "Upper Decker," from 2005's Clients, is easily the best thing The Red Chord have ever written.  While the Boston band...


12 years into its career, Darkest Hour continues to improve.  Over its past three albums, this DC band has progressed from being just another...


  Every once in a while, an album comes along that re-awakens you to a genre; it presents a new outlook on the way...


The contents are exactly as advertised: Metal God Essentials Vol. 1.  This release collects the highlights of Rob Halford's solo career to date in...


Houston is known for scorching heat, 110% humidity, it's status as the United States' fattest city and a crime rate that rivals New York...


Dreary as hell, but in a good way – Sweden's Mortuus drags the listener on a gentle descent into the abyss.  After an initial...


Perhaps Minus the Herd refers to the hordes of bands mining chaotic metalcore now.  Bands everywhere are mixing death metal, grindcore, math metal, and...


Every once in a while, an album comes along that gives you goose bumps. 'Ashes of the Wake,' 'Spiritual Black Dimensions,"Annihilation of the Wicked'-...


Buy a neck brace. That seems to be the message that August Burns Red is trying to get across with their sophomore release Messengers....


I know this review is about a year over due, but I felt that it was about time someone gave this band a little...


So there's been bellyaching about the production on the new Watain album.  Yes, it's cleaner than on previous full-lengths Rabid Death's Curse and Casus...


When you ask today's metal heads who the titans of metal are, you're likely to hear names like LAMB OF GOD, DIMMU BORGIR, ARCH...


Job for a Cowboy is not at all the name one would expect for one of the most innovative and powerful up and coming...


What an album cover!  An electric eye sizes up a scantily clad woman, whose hair looks freshly shampooed, and who casts two faint neon...