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Except for perhaps Brazil's Violator, California's Merciless Death is the cream of today's "retro thrash" crop.  It's hardly infernal overkill to say that Evil...


Deadlock is a combination of what are probably now the most nauseating ingredients in metal – nth generation melodic Swedish death metal, screamed verses, and...


N.I.L. ("Nihilism is Liberation") is N. Imperial – whose long resume includes Krieg, Nachtmystium, Twilight, Weltmacht, and Devotee – and J. Marcheski, who moonlights with...


Something good must be in Poland's water, because top-notch death/grind bands are erupting from there like fluids at a GWAR show.  Thankfully, Selfmadegod Records...


Akercocke is one of the few elite metal bands with an instantly recognizable sound.  Over the years, its blackened death metal has become more...


"Obscurus Advocam" and "Verbia Daemonicus" are evidently improper Latin for "Invocation of Darkness" and "Speech of the Devil."  Latin is the official language of...


Katon De Pena's yowl is just as distinctive as those of '80s greats like Paul Baloff or Steve "Zetro" Souza.  However, while his band...


For whatever reasons, Chris Barnes and Six Feet Under cause strong reactions in the metal community.  Some have personal beef with Barnes; others deride...


After the demise of German black metal band Nagelfar (not to be confused with the Swedish band Naglfar), drummer Alexander von Meilenwald formed The...


Over three full-lengths and a slew of splits, Poland's Antigama have honed their simultaneously retro and futuristic take on grindcore.  The latter aspect has...


Throne of Katarsis isn't for the impatient.  On the Norwegian band's debut full-length, An Eternal Dark Horizon, it unfolds five songs over 55 minutes. ...


It's pompous.  It's polished and perfect.  The first instrumental solo is blistering, full of fleet fingering and hot bends – on keyboards.  The kind...


Crust punk verging on grindcore, Ale to England was originally a 7" that slipped through the cracks due to a fly-by-night label.  Not only...


Ever since Martin Brändström joined Dark Tranquillity for 1999's Projector, the band has honed its now-signature sound – keyboard-driven, Gothenburg melodic death metal.  Changes...


Before Behemoth became a death metal juggernaut, it played black metal. Of course, its death metal is often called "blackened," and the Polish band...


Straightedge metallic hardcore punk brimming with breakdowns – who needs more of this stuff? Turns out that a well-done X-fest is surprisingly refreshing in...


Death metal is almost 20 years old, and for having such explosive beginnings in Sweden, England, and Florida, its rate of progress has slowed...


Despite biting by hordes of metalcore imitators, Gothenburg-style melodic death metal is alive and well. On Stuck Here on Snakes Way, Finland's Omnium Gatherum...


Dokken's 1979 demo, Back in the Streets (available for free download here), is worth hearing, as it's quite unlike what the name Dokken typically...


What Gojira was last year, Hacride is this year – a French metallic missile that should detonate devastatingly across the Atlantic. Put away those...


I really want to hate this, but I can't. Christian metalcore with touches of emo – this album came with three strikes against it....


The first two Leng Tch'e albums are absolute must-haves for any fan of grindcore. Death by a Thousand Cuts and ManMadePredator were just plain...


On its debut full-length, San Diego's Warface serves up no-frills, old-school death metal. Suffocation comes to mind in the death growls, blastbeats alternating with...