Hi, what are you looking for?
Well this was unexpected.
"Every claim that this puto has made can be attributed to personal gain."
"At this time, I will be taking down the scheduled touring this year until quarter 4 to focus on my health."
Fear Factory hasn't come up.
New drummer, new guitarist, and new album!
Would a show of this caliber without Metallica even work?
He says there's no reunion happening without Warrel.
It'll be their first release in 9 years.
Marchais has revealed he is battling Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a blood cancer affecting the body's immune system.
We're... not sure. He worded this one pretty weird.
They beat out August Burns Red, Code Orange, Meshuggah, and Body Count.
Ryland was with the band from 2007 to 2018, and 1997 to 2003. Also, maybe new album this year!
It's also the first with a bassist!
Woof. This all went horribly.
Lyricist Pekka Kainulainen will also deliver a speech in Finnish.
He's got some new stuff he's working on.
"Unfortunately, they have taken 'Best Rock Song' off the telecast this year so we won't be attending. Maybe next time."
To be fair, the rumor does seem like horseshit.
Bastian Thusgaard about to show everyone what's up.
The Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Council is on board with it.