The fate of the upcoming Obscura record A Sonication is certainly looking grimmer day by day. It all started when Exist bassist (and former Obscura bassist) Alex Weber accused Obscura mastermind Steffen Kummerer of plagiarizing roughly half of the single "Evenfall" from material Weber wrote. Weber alleged that he had "written confirmation that the material we contributed to the record would not be used," but was used anyway.
Weber later noted in the same statement that "I'm concerned that more of the music that Chris and I wrote for this album will still be used without our consent," and it seems that it was! Former Obscura guitarist Christian Münzner has now come forward saying that Kummerer also used some of his material despite being promised that he wouldn't. Münzner also calls out Obscura's label Nuclear Blast, saying if they release A Sonication, "they are thiefs as well."
Neither Obscura not Nuclear Blast have addressed the issue publicly. The following is a statement from Münzner.
"I just heard more of the new Obscura. There are riffs I had written and was guaranteed would not be used, and they are being used 1:1, note for note, stolen, copied, as well as entire song structures. Mr. Tech Death Genius strikes again I would say," wrote Münzner.
"If Nuclear Blast releases this they are thiefs as well. I will not let this slide and explore every legal avanue. There are limits to how much shit we should tolerate. These songs were intended for a solo EP I was planning to do after the Obscura split, now I can not do this anymore. This can not go on. Especially if we 'agree to disagree' because of creative differences and then you use other peoples work, after you say we are not on the same page what we want musically?"