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Latest News

A very rock-themed list this year.


If anyone reading this also checks out my normal Tuesday column here, you may have seen the premiere I did prior for Chaos Motion...

Bummer Alert

Multiple sources have told TMZ that EVH is doing radiation treatments.

Latest News

We'll see James stronger than ever.

Back in the Day

This interstellar story about Ronnie James Dio's account of seeing what he believed was a UFO from the window of his home in New...

Upcoming Releases

"We've been kind of promising something for quite a while, but unforeseen circumstances kind of got in the way."


Robb Flynn has no time for critics today, except he uses . a less polite word than critics


Plus, we have the full set list.

Mashups & Covers

What do you get when you mashup the vocals from Kanye West's 2013 song "Black Skinhead" and Metallica's classic 1984 track "For Whom The...

Music Videos

The Convalescence will soon hit the road in support of their new record Monument Of Misery and are giving fans a taste of what...


Welcome back to the latest instalment of This Is Armageddon! As a semi-regular column, our goal is to bring the very best as it relates...


Somebody check the burn unit for Vince Neil.

New Music

Ahead of their tour with Five Finger Death Punch.

Music Videos

Machine Head are not only playing their 1994 record Burn My Eyes in full on their coming tour, but they've been re-recording the entire...

Dank Slams

Slam. The skank. The dank. The skanky danky dank. Call it whatever you want. All we do is report it. Anyway, this shit has...

Latest News

Featuring Miss May I, Like Moths To Flames, Currents, and more!

Injection Reflection

This has been a big week for weird news. Here's what you missed: This Photo Proves That STATIC -X's New Vocalist "Xero" Is Edsel...

In the summer of 2018, there was a tribute show held to honor late Alice In Chains/Mad Season vocalist Layne Staley, with proceeds going...

Record Sales

We have begun tracking how many monthly listeners hard rock and heavy metal artists have been getting on Spotify. Where did we get this...


He's denying it, maybe?