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Matching Tags: SPIDERS , spiderman


While ostensibly sounding much like their last few from a production standpoint, Repentless is actually the band's most unapologetically thrash album in years.


Michigan’s Battlecross is a band that has defied a small stack of odds and hasn’t sweat the minutiae in getting to the point where...

Upcoming Releases

"We want this DVD to be a 'Heavy Metal Mardi Gras'" - Robb Flynn

Weekly Injection

Holy hell, it's been a while. First of all, happy Rubber Ducky Day to you all (Yes, it's a thing)! Second, that dry season...

Weekly Injection

Welp folks. We're about to hit that dry period of album releases. Most labels have already pushed their best stuff and are prepping for...

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Gwar are really good at covers!

Weekly Injection

Life happens. This weeks reviews are short and to the point. Sorry? This edition includes old school death metalers from every corner, aquatic doom,...


Basically, we're saying The Who invented death metal.

Weekly Injection

Greetings from the past dear readers. During the time that I'd normally be getting drunk and writing this weekly forum for your hatred, I'll...

Weekly Injection

Everybody in the States enjoy their day off yesterday? Well now that you're relaxed, hungover, or whatever you may be, it's time for some...


What has Spider been up to?


It’s been two years since Howard Jones left Killswitch Engage, and a year since the first recordings started, but the wait is finally over....

Best of 2013

It's been a crazy year for metal, but rather than the usual break-up drama, this year was filled with arrests, drug busts and some...

Around the Interwebs

Earlier this week, Slipknot announced they have parted ways with Joey Jordison. It was shocking, to say the least, but some people are perhaps...


Heavy metal’s favorite holiday is tomorrow. Whether you’re putting together the soundtrack for a crazy party or just trying to get some songs together...

Open Metacast

Welcome to the third Halloween Episode of Open Metalcast, where we unleash the strange, the wicked, and the bizarre to thrill, excite, and scare...


On May 2nd of this year, we lost the great Jeff Hanneman. The most in-depth profile on Hanneman was done by Guitar World magazine....

Mustaine Mania

It's been a while since we've checked in with Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine. Dave has been headlining another Gigantour run and gave an interview...


How pleasant! Minsitry's Al Jourgensen is not a man who keeps quiet about his opinions, he shouts them from the rooftops. And, while on a promo...


Ay ay ay, this Guitar World Jeff Hanneman issue is seemingly a never-ending pile of Slayer drama. We learned that Hanneman was in a...

Latest News

Last week, we revealed some pretty sad bits from the just-released issue of Guitar World featuring a big feature on the life and death of...