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Matching Tags: SPIDERS , spiderman

Injection Reflection

Summer is officially here. I decided to spend the afternoon in a café finishing up my work, and the WiFi is terrible, but the...

Latest News

Slayer have just released an official press release with a lot of answers to lingering questions.

Latest News

We have some very sad news to report, Slayer just announced that founding guitarist Jeff Hanneman passed away at 11am this morning in a...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


It's been a little under two years since Jeff Hanneman had to step down from his position as guitarist of Slayer, and it looks...


Last I looked the economy was still in the shitter, so the theme of this year's preface is doing SXSW on the (relative) cheap....


There was a lot of hoopla last week when Dave Lombardo announced he would not be joining Slayer on their Australian tour due to...


This is basically the shittiest news EVAR (of the day). Slayer is not exactly at 100% currently, with guitarist Jeff Hanneman sidelined for over...

Upcoming Releases

Over the last few months, we've slowly been learning a lot about Metallica's upcoming 3D movie. We know the set list. We know it...


Welcome friends to the annual MSRcast rewind. This is the first part of our look back oat our favorite releases from the past year....

Fuck Yes!

Whoa! This is a surprise. After spending the last two years filling in for Jeff Hanneman due to Jeff's nasty spider bite, Exodus guitarist Gary...

Open Metacast

Four months since last transmission. Stop. Must make next transmission or face termination. Stop. Last transmission of this solar year. Stop. Message Ends. Shownotes...

Mustaine Mania

This story is pretty cool, and it involves Dave Mustaine, a rarity for this site. Dave Mustaine recently tweeted that a new species of...

Latest News

A few months ago, we were shocked by the news of Baroness's bus crashing, falling off a 30 foot cliff. It did not look...

Latest News

Sergey Troitskiy aka Spider is tired of being held down by the man in Khimki, a small town between St. Petersburg and Moscow. The...

Upcoming Releases

We're all eagerly anticipating new music from Slayer. We were hoping for a two-song EP before Mayhem Fest kicked off, but turns out that...


The fifth annual Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival kicked off this weekend in San Bernardin, CA and there is a lot of news to...

Upcoming Releases

It's a huge week for metal, so I'll spare you the cute introduction and get right to it. Without further ado, let's take a...

Upcoming Releases

I was a bit overwhelmed by the staggering amount of big releases out this week; but it's true, the metal gods are just, and...

Injection Reflection

Well, it's Friday, and while the internet is collectively bummed at the loss of Beastie Boy Adam "MCA" Yauch, there was a ton of...

Show Recap

A deep gloom spread across London one late spring evening and residents of Kentish Town felt shivers creeping up their spines like spiders intent...

Upcoming Releases

My, oh my is this exciting. Slayer have had some time off recently, so why not start working on new material? The group have...

Fuck Yes!

Now this is the way to kick-off the abbreviated Thanksgiving week. Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo tweeted recently updating the world on his projects, and...