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Search results for "GRIND"

The Obituarist

Howdy Halloweeners, Trevor Strnad AKA The Obituarist here with another round of sick ghoulish extreme metal to keep you screaming this holiday.

Music Videos

I had an extremely tough time trying to describe Sibiir in the headline, because I genuinely have no idea what to call this band....

Weekly Injection

This edition goes out to everyone that complains I don't talk about heavy bands. Our final Weekly Injection of October includes some sludge, blackened...


A fan who attended one of the VIP meet and greets filed a report.


One of the brighter spots to emerge from the Dallas scene in recent memory, Seeker aren't exactly your daddy's favorite Housecore band.

Latest News

Looks pretty good! Plus, the Crowdfunding they're asking for is completely reasonable.

Show Recap

The following words and photos were submitted by Walter Navarro Peremarti At this point you should already know Wormrot are back in town and they...

Dank Slams

See, there is this guy we know. This dude… man… he knows his shit! Having literally helped in the forging of alien/space-drenched slam (with...


In my opinion, Overkill are one of the most underrated thrash bands out there, constantly churning out thrash excellence for the last 30 years....


It’s blasting, thrashing, pulverizing, and it has groove. Voices is an evolution for Wormrot and is, so far, the best grindcore release of the...

br00tal Comedy

There is this false assumption that when you grow old, you can no longer rock. One granny proves that's utterly untrue. UK cover band...

Weekly Injection

This edition features a diverse offering of power metal, progressive, fuzziness, and more! To the metals…

Dank Slams

The concept of the one-man/one-woman band is not a new thing. We can take this all the way back to the 13th century –...


Since 2013, this wrecking crew from Arizona, has been spitting fire on death metal. Melting any traditional conception of death metal, and molding it...


Trap Them basically shoves your head into a mulcher and keeps on grinding with Crown Feral.


It’s been almost sixteen years to the month since Brujeria has delivered product to the masses. That’s awhile for cartel boys to be out...


I guess it's still in the oven.


Remember the “screamo” era? Remember the Hot Topic/Victory Records bum rush that transformed malls across the country into some sort of swoosh-gelled hair/80s tight-pants-revival...

Weekly Injection

A SOLID week of releases for you. Includes lots of high speed technicality, lots of lurching heaviness, and so much more. To the metals…