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Search results for "GRIND"

Best of 2016

From those mammoths of metal who continue to pave the way for the next generation, to a few surprises from some lesser-known names, these...

Best of 2016

Prog, Thrash, Death, Blackened, Synthwave, Hardcore, Math, Pre, Post, Crust and more!

Best of 2016

If there’s anything you can say about “metal in 2016,” it’s that there’s no one definitive thing to say about metal in 2016. But...

Latest News

If you're the type of person who actually takes metal award show results seriously, then this is the post for you. The Revolver Music...


The time has come for the 7th annual Revolver Music Awards. The show kicks off at 8pm eastern standard time. The entire show is...

Best of 2016

Hey all! I joined the Metal Injection team just a few months ago and it has been one hell of a blast. 2016 has been...

Best of 2016

Good grief, I can't wait to say bye to this stinky year. Too many deaths, too many tears shed, and too many electoral college...

Best of 2016

I think it goes without saying that 2016 was a shitty year for the music world, not to mention the world in general. Lemmy...

The Obituarist

"I can only read about Metallica, Meshuggah, BabyMetal and Devin Townsend so much before I wonder if metal publications are even on the same...

Weekly Injection

Welcome to the slow season! This week still includes some good stuff full of atmosphere, doom, weirdness, and more! To the metals…


With so many high profiles bands putting out albums in 2016 it’s easy to let some of the smaller guys slip out from under...

Dank Slams

Alright. Fuck this. Straight-up, we all know that slam is the new flavor of the month – essentially the new deathcore. I mean, a...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays such, so let’s grind it out with Delete the Mass’ Μάζα.


After a long (too long) hiatus, we're back with a fun episode that shifts from the tradition of interviewing metal musicians. I interviewed a...

Metal Merch

Our suggestions for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza and all holiday heavy metal gifts

Injection Reflection

It's been a crazy week, here's what you missed: Confirmed: SYSTEM OF A DOWN To Release A New Album in 2017 Simpsons, Ned Flanders-Inspired...

Dank Slams

N'Yawk death metal (say it in your best borough-specific accent for full effect – going full-nasal for Queens). Most of you reading this were likely doing...

Full Album Stream

A whopping 4+ minutes minutes of grind!


The Whole of the Law is the sounds of Armageddon. And what incredible timing it has.


What do you get when you take one of the forefathers of the New Wave of American Heavy Metal and put him in a...

Latest News

Gojira, Slayer, Anthrax, Toothgrinder, Periphery, Meshuggah, Hatebreed, Black Sabbath, Slipknot... etc.