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>Philadelphia’s self-proclaimed criminal thrash band RUMPELSTILTSKIN GRINDER have restructured their lineup following the departure of vocalist Eli Shaika and announced their first show back....


Allow me to state my taxonomic understanding of the no-woman's land between metal and hardcore. When a hardcore band exhibits metallic tendencies, they're, natch,...

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South Carolina's THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD are currently completing new songs for the band's second full-length, the follow-up to 2005's Bloodlust. The...

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DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN recently announced some CD details to Decibel Magazine. "We have pretty well-produced demos," guitarist Ben Weinman explains, "and some prospective song...

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>FINNTROLL will be releasing their new album on March 28th and will be titled "Ur Jordens Djup". Sometimes I wish I was fluent in...

Clip of the Day

Today's clip comes from Nuclear Blast recording artists WINTERSUN. If you think DRAGONFORCE can shred, pick up a copy of the band's new self-titled...

Ask Me...I'm Right

[swf width="500" height="93"]https://metalinjection.net/blogs/greg.swf[/swf] Greg Weeks is not only the basisst of one of the coolest, heaviest bands on the scene right now, THE RED...


I recently had the pleasure to speak with one of my all-time favorite frontmen, Jesse Leach. You can currently hear Jesse on the latest...

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First off, on behalf of everybody here at METAL Injection I want to wish everybody reading a Happy New Year. Thank you for making...

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If you happened to watch our Anti-Christmas Special (and if you haven't go watch it now!) you would see that we spend a good...

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The end of the year always means "Top XX" lists for music nerds. While I'm as musically nerdy as one can get, I don't...

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>STRAPPING YOUNG LAD drummer Gene Holgan will be going DETHKLOK: I just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday season. And, to answer a...

Clip of the Day

Today's br00tal clip is THREAT SIGNAL "Rational Eyes". The video is actually a MYGOODEYE production, Directed and Edited by David Brodsky. I don't think...

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>DESPISED ICON need a new guitarist, here is what the band have to say about that and more: Hey everyone, some great and bad...


When your drummer leaves your band, what do you do? When you're Savannah, GA band Kylesa, and you drink as much as they do,...


A.C.T. is probably closer to rock than metal, but open-minded folks seeking more than the newest br00tal band would do well to give it...


In American law, the doctrine of "fruit of the poisonous tree" refers to the inadmissibility of evidence obtained through illegal means. For example, if...

Spout Off

Two years ago the metal world lost a hero, an inspiration, a brother. Dimebag Darrell Abbott was like no other and lives on in...


When it comes to '80s American thrash, the San Francisco Bay Area and New York are the first places that come to mind. However,...


When Manowar do things, they do them big. Their album covers are filled with big men with big muscles holding big swords. Their tunes...

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Alright, well, its been a few days since I have spouted off my mouth and given some news. I find that a lot of...


After Coldplay's performance at 2003's MTV Music Awards, host Chris Rock said, "Wow, I hope you didn't slit your wrists to that one." He...


The first time time I heard Into Eternity, they opened for Hate Eternal on a bill heavy with growl-and-gurgle death metal bands. Imagine my...