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A week after  Machine Gun Kelly talked shit about Slipknot on stage at Riot Fest, the rapper-turned-punk-rocker might be regretting his actions. MGK had his first performance...


Didn’t think prog-rock godfathers King Crimson could get heavy? Think again...

Live Footage

Obviously the Anti-Nowhere League cover.


El Paso guitar legend Cesar Soto's entire career has led him to this point. To the 40th anniversary of the legendary Al Jourgensen fronted...


The year 1991 was truly transitional for a world of rock and metal – the big, bright hair metal acts that dominated the mid...

Shocking Revelations

Signs of the Swarm have distanced themselves from guitarist Cory Smarsh after his former partner accused him of assault and another woman came forward...

New Music

Featuring some fairly chunky riffs.

RIP a Livecast

We dive DEEP into the Dave Mustaine Cameo page this week, and learn a lot about the Megadeth frontman. We also learn about Ivan...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Necronemesis, Inhuman Condition, Hannes Grossmann, Desaster, Boss Keloid, Flotsam & Jetsam, and Sojourner,

Full Album Stream

For Seputus, and its main creative force, Stephen Schwegler, the heavy metal he's listened to for decades are simply components—relays and switches that provide a...


Another decade, another zombie-themed EP from a shining star in the Christian metalcore camp. The Devil Wears Prada deviated from their decidedly cringy counterparts...

Upcoming Releases

AC/DC, Electric Wizard, Ihsahn, Fallujah, Linkin Park, Lamb of God, the list goes on.


The rapper's limited release Satanic sneakers and new music video are causing an uproar that used to be reserved for metal acts.

Funeral Doom Friday

Somber salutations to you, doomers and gloomers. May your mausoleum be merry and your headstone uncluttered. May your epitaph be effortlessly etched. It’s Friday!...