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Best of 2018

Read what our reviewer Nicholas picked for his 40 (FORTY) favorite albums of 2018!

Bummer Alert

The story takes a sad twist.


Everything, from the acrid, biting vocals to the pummeling, dissonant fretwork is emblematic of hardcore punk's best traits. When A Patient Man clicks, which...

The Obituarist

Hello everyone! Happy Halloween! It’s been a while. I am back from a shallow grave and trying to play catch up on ton of...

Full Album Stream

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with a full stream of Languish's Unworthy.


Listening to A New Kind of Horror is like mainlining adrenaline for 33 minutes straight. It's one of metal's best bands performing at the...

New Music

It's not horrendous. Also, I'm getting tired of making that joke.


On their latest album, The Wake, legendary Canadian progmeisters Voivod show their creativity and innovation is as strong as ever.

Song Premiere

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...

New Music

New Jersey natives make good with the maddening magic of Sycarians new prog death monstrosity!


“I am going to sing for you. A little off key, perhaps, but I will sing. I will sing while you croak. I will...

Weekly Injection

This edition features some long-waited returns, some album of the year contenders, some supergroups, and more! To the metals...

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...


Not to be confused with nu-metal (although it commonly is), rap-metal has produced some great stuff courtesy of groups like Rage Against the Machine...


Passage into the Xexanotth is an unearthly descent into a primordial hellscape and should utterly annihilate any notion that Chthe'ilist’s 2016 debut was a...


You really can't go wrong with death metal like this. I mean, that is unless you're one of those types on social media that...


"Everything heard on the song was captured live, including the synth solo, bass cadenza, and band fade leading up to the bass cadenza."


I find it fascinating that the styles of certain musicians can vary to such depths depending on what other artists they are joined by....