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Search results for "Thrash"

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a video premiere from Holy Grinder’s Cult of Extermination.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes head wear-themed thrash, the second (maybe third) coming of 90's icons, stoner jams of varying intensities, and more! To the metals...

Kids In Metal

Let the kids have their Slayer.

Upcoming Releases

French death metal coming your way soon.


There’s something grander and expansive happening here. But how much opportunity and potential has been quashed by the band's isolationist stance?


FFO: Dillinger Escape Plan, Mastodon, Moon Tooth...


Ministry's 14th studio LP, AmeriKKKant, packs a whole lot of political commentary, along with a whole lot of industrial metal

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a split release with My Minds Mine and Sick of Stupidity.

Music Videos

Iron Reagan has a new split with Gatecrepper out today, and to celebrate, they've enslited skeleton nuns to star in their new video for...


 When heavy metal leaks into other disparate genres, incredible things can occur…

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some fuzzy goodness, lots of musical diversity, a split from two groups of crazy people, and more! To the metals...

The Obituarist

Hello freaks and geeks. It is I, The Obituarist; your favorite rain man hunter of all things underground! After a long and once indefinite...


Iron Reagan and Gatecreeper are stellar bands that have come together to make one hell of a split


In need of some vicious and sinister hardcore that includes a touch of thrash? Well you’re in luck with the debut LP from Primal...


This kid is going places

Weekly Injection

This edition includes wolves, noise, a few times of folk music in metal, and more! To the metals...


In Battlesoul’s new LP, Sunward And Starward, the band deliver a blend of symphonic Celtic heavy metal. From death to folk to power metal,...

Tour Dates

Slayer will scare everybody and everything.

Weekly Injection

This edition features quite a bit of epicness, some rage, a softer side of the king, and more! To the metals...


No part of Fucked And Bound's new LP is subtle in its vicious hardcore glory


The band’s newest record, Arson, continues the tradition of exuding streaks of heartbreaking feeling. Across the record’s eight songs, there comes a constant flow...