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Weekly Injection

This edition features a lot of weird shit, some epic shit, some spooky shit, and more shit! To the metals… The Atomic Bitchwax – Force...


A Season Of Mist reissue means that we get to revisit this blackened thrash classic.

RIP a Livecast

We kicked things off spending a good amount of time dissecting a recent Dave Mustaine interview. We get deep into Dave's psyche, and really...


Danica Roem this past election day by being Virgina's (and the nation's) first out trans person to be elected and serve in a state...

Tour Dates

'Bout to get real blackened and thrashy up in here.

Latest News

Metallica are giving back this year, and you can be a part of the charity goodness. The thrash legends are teaming up with Starbucks...

Metal Merch

Killer gift ideas from Metallica, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Amon Amarth and more.

Latest News

The next best thing to hiring the legendary producer yourself.

Music Videos

It's thrash, but the picking style of a black metal tune.

Weekly Injection

This edition marks the last full week of album releases for 2017 with live albums from two metal titans, a split that is sure...


Most of you reading this are likely intimately familiar with the convoluted and sordid history surrounding Sepultura and both current and former members. No...

Show Recap

[Photo Credit: Vanessa Mercado] While I've hit up every annual California-based Knotfest so far, I never had the balls back in the day to...

Upcoming Releases

"This is probably going to be our most death metal album to date. It’s also super progressive though."

Weekly Injection

This edition includes bands ending length album gaps, stuff to thrash to, stuff to get high to (although, once would likely get high to...


Through the miracle of online serendipity, long dormant Swedish band Ice Age are finally making their uber-overdue debut on wax. 

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Chepang’s Dadhelo - A Tale of Wildfire.


It's not all Tim Horton's and hockey here in the Great White North. Yes, Canada may be known on a global scale as the...

Weekly Injection

This editions features several long-awaited returns, gore, politics, and more! To the metals...