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Bay Area thrashers LIGHT THIS CITY filmed the band's first video on Feb. 1st in Los Angeles, Calif. with acclaimed video director Soren. The...

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Roadrunner Records has announced the signing of progressive metal pioneers DREAM THEATER. A new studio album, "Systematic Chaos", is due in June. DREAM THEATER...

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Official Press Release: Relapse Records is proud to announce the signing of avant-garde rock extremists GENGHIS TRON. Upon signing, GENGHIS TRON comment: "We're incredibly...

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BLABBERMOUTH reports The Ozzfest 2007 Fans unofficial MySpace page has been updated with the following information regarding the ticketing system for this year's event:...

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Turns out Sharon "Money Bags" Osbourne has come up with a genius idea. Let kids get into Ozzfest for free, and charge the sponsors....


"Still not loud enough, still not fast enough!" So began Sounds of the Animal Kingdom, Brutal Truth's third and final studio full-length before disbanding...

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PIG DESTROYER have begun recording their new full-length album, titled "Phantom Limb". PIG DESTROYER are currently recording "Phantom Limb"at Omega Studios (BAD BRAINS) in...


Well, this rips. Plain and simple. It isn't the most original album around, but Year of Desolation's debut is a ferocious blend of death...

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> Apparently, Austria hasn't heard of DEICIDE. Drummer Steve Asheim went to a bank this morning to deposit the merch money from the previous...

Clip of the Day

On the heels of the Maryland Deathfest V announcement, we decided to make today's br00tal clip from none other than New York City old-school...

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Montreal's DESPISED ICON are currently in the studio recording their upcoming release. Vocalist Alex E posted this following update on their official website: We've...


Allow me to state my taxonomic understanding of the no-woman's land between metal and hardcore. When a hardcore band exhibits metallic tendencies, they're, natch,...


For some reason, the YouTube test of guitar proficiency these days is how well one can play Necrophagist songs. Well, The Faceless would wipe...

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DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN recently announced some CD details to Decibel Magazine. "We have pretty well-produced demos," guitarist Ben Weinman explains, "and some prospective song...

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>FINNTROLL will be releasing their new album on March 28th and will be titled "Ur Jordens Djup". Sometimes I wish I was fluent in...


If you like Hatebreed, you'll love Born From Pain. That's the long and short of it, as well as the good and bad. The...

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GENE SIMMONS is probobly one of the most annoying, showboat rockers of all time. And apparently, PAUL STANLEY doesn't disagree. Check out this classic...

Ask Me...I'm Right

[swf width="500" height="93"]https://metalinjection.net/blogs/greg.swf[/swf] Greg Weeks is not only the basisst of one of the coolest, heaviest bands on the scene right now, THE RED...


I recently had the pleasure to speak with one of my all-time favorite frontmen, Jesse Leach. You can currently hear Jesse on the latest...

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First off, on behalf of everybody here at METAL Injection I want to wish everybody reading a Happy New Year. Thank you for making...

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The end of the year always means "Top XX" lists for music nerds. While I'm as musically nerdy as one can get, I don't...

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>STRAPPING YOUNG LAD drummer Gene Holgan will be going DETHKLOK: I just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday season. And, to answer a...

METAL Injection

METAL Injection rarely follows through on half-stoned ideas, but clearly this wasn't the case when it came to our 12 Metal Days of Christmas....