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Tour Dates

Tool are always booking very interesting acts as openers for them. I remember they booked cool bands like Meshuggah, ISIS (the band) and Intronaut...

Latest News

This past summer, we learned that Slipknot and Stone Sour vocalist Corey Taylor has so much music inside his head that he's been contemplating putting out...

Latest News

The marketing effort for Ozzy Osbourne's new album, Ordinary Man, is in full effect. The album is expected to be released in early 2020 and...

Tour Dates

Metallica promised to headline five big shows next year in the United States, and the lineup for one of those fests has just been...

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Guitar and vocalist Alexi Laiho also talks about the split.

Song Premiere

The Iranian refugee band are speaking up for the people.

Metal In The Mainstream

Ozzy Osbourne's health issues this year have forced the Prince of Darkness to delay all his touring until 2020. He has since announced a...


This morning, it was confirmed by multiple sources that Motley Crue would be returning to touring next year for a massive stadium run of...


Sounds like Every Time I Die.

Upcoming Releases

Check out like, a riff and a drum beat.


Ticket prices likely matching the combined age of all the musicians involved in the tour.

Gear Gods

DRUMCEPTION 2019 is officially here, and it’s not too late to enter! Write a song using the provided Toontrack drum track here, and submit...

Breakups & Shakeups

Bassist Ashley Purdy is out of Black Veil Brides. He was with the band since 2009, and appeared on five albums. The band released...


Also Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers.

Injection Reflection

November is half over! Where does the time go? Here's what you missed this week: Watch: MARILYN MANSON Arrives To Hip-Hop Festival & Fans...