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GOD FORBID Guitarist Doc Coyle Isn't Sure Anyone Cares About Band Reuniting

So maybe don't count on this happening.


God Forbid broke up in 2013 and have not yet reunited. According to guitarist Doc Coyle in an interview with BREWtally Speaking Podcast, "no one’s really knocking down our door" at the moment about a reunion and Coyle personally has "low confidence in how many give a shit to be honest."

“Here’s the thing, E.Town was probably about 3-4x bigger that we were in our home area. I’m sure we could do like 1 reunion show and maybe sell it out, but I don’t know. I’ve [got] low confidence in how many give a shit to be honest.”

“…It’s hard to gauge if people really care that much, if that makes sense? I’m not saying those people don’t, but it just might be those people. I don’t know if you see comments online if that means there’s hundreds or thousands of people that also feel that way who just aren’t there. It may be true, I’m just… ah, I don’t even know if that’s even a good enough reason to do anything. It would really have to come from a place of ‘hey man, this would sound fun’ or ‘this would be cool’.

Truth be told, no matter what, it’d be a lot of work just getting things together, rehearsing, booking, gear, everything. It’s a lot, but you never know. We’ll have to see that the future holds, but I love all those guys. I love the music and I’m proud of our legacy and I’m happy people still kinda care, cause I do think we did something really cool.”

Since their breakup, Coyle has been busy with Bad Wolves and Vagus Nerve, while fellow guitarist Matt Wicklund has been playing with Ghost Ship Octavius. Still, here's hoping, even if it's only for one show. God Forbid ended their career on an absolutely killer album titled Equilibrium that everyone really should check out. Plus, Byron Davis had a really cool voice that I wish we'd hear more of.

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