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Search results for "wisdom"


"Nechochwen and Panopticon sit comfortably in their sounds and use them as vehicles to tell new stories. This split is important for fans of...


Two of Arizona's heavy metal finest are undergoing a shakeup. Nate Garrett announced in an interview with Metal Injection that he is parting ways...

The Wednesday Sludge

Southern California blackened doom quartet Sixes is one of the best kept secrets among the sludge and doom underground, but that is slowly changing thanks...

Best of 2019

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...


"When you have nothing to lose, all you own is your persistence...”


Hailing from the “wheat-and-rust landscape” of the Cuyahoga River in Ohio, neofolk duo Osi and the Jupiter have accomplished a lot since starting in...

Humor of the Beast

Welcome to “Humor of the Beast,” a recurring series where we interview the funniest people about their favorite band, as well as the impact...

At The Movies

How does Glenn Danzig follow up his directorial debut, a movie that A/V Club called "one of the most batshit ridiculous horror anthology films...

Song Premiere

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...


The symphonic/power metal makeup of Dawn of the Dragonstar is as rudimentary and rigid as you can envision.

Latest News

Today is such a big day for Tool fans. The band has released their first new song in 13 years, the title track (and...

New Music

Can you believe it's finally Tool time?!

Upcoming Releases

The new album is about growing old


If 2018 was a big year for heavy metal, 2019 has been gigantic. Roughly six months in and the sheer quantity and quality of...

Tour Dates

The show will also feature Agnostic Front, Wisdom In Chains, All Out War, Vatican and way more.


Whether or not you belong to the camp that believes a clean room is an absolute prerequisite for monumental undertakings, such as the reorganization...

At The Movies

"I'm not doing anything other than an R movie. I like boobs and blood."


The reiteration of cherished classics isn't always a effort well-executed or well-received. I feared that The Door to Doom, the newest album from legendary metal...

Black Friday

As black metal continues to sprawl from its frigid center, the genre's boundaries are becoming rather fluid. Personally, the experimentation is nice. The last handful...

Full Album Stream

"We have carved our pound of flesh and put it to music for all to devour. But is it is our pound of flesh;...