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Search results for "BREATH"

It's Just Business

Metallica have been taking a lot of risks the last few years, and it looks like those risks are catching up with them financially....

Open Metacast

This episode we decided instead of our normal format we'd try something similar to our neglected (and long overdue) Instrumetalcast episodes and just let...


Setting aside the fact that they were one of the first non-Israeli bands signed from the Middle East, with their foundations in geographic and...


Taken By the Sun hasn't been the most active band when it comes to productivity. After a five song demo EP in 2013 the...


Pelican's discography has gotten increasingly "single"-heavy over the years, so it's not surprising that they've opted to rebound from last year's excellent live album, Artika,...

Weekly Injection

I'm guessing that this summer the Weekly Injection will be moving to Fridays. Does sooner (or later in some cases, I guess) release dates...

Upcoming Releases

Seriously. This is an actual, bona fide, legitimate-as-fuck update.


If you're looking to get heavy and terrifying all at once, then come jam. Bring extra pants.

Black Metal History

There are a lot of purist black metal bands that hide behind the shield of "keeping it trve" to defend rote, uninspired songwriting, but...


There's no taking it easy or leaving time to breathe for a band like Primitive Man. The band has laid down some of the...


Time for a new album!


"Watchers of Rule showcases a band firing on all cylinders. There is an urgency, a purpose and a drive I haven't felt in a...

Music Videos

I love Psycroptic and you should too! Their self-titled Prosthetic debut is out on March 10. Check out this great live music video filmed...

Upcoming Releases

Do you share in Holt's excitement? Or is this just a bunch of hype and hyperbole?


Nostalgia has a way of influencing music. It's especially pervasive in the hyper-regressive world of heavy metal where bands are frequently judged by how...


A lot of bands do something similar to Downfall of Gaia, but few do it as well and in such an engaging way as...

Upcoming Releases

Could we hear new music by the end of the year?


Hey! Welcome back to Ranked, where we pick apart classic bands' discographies to the sound of everyone yelling. Today we're hopping across the pond...